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第 2卷 第 4期 交 通 运 输 工 程 学 报 Vol. 2 No. 4 2002年 12月 Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering Dec. 2002   : 16 1-163 ( 2002) 04-0112-04 WebGIS 钟 涛 ( ,  210016)  : 为了寻找 一种适合民航运输行业特点的 GIS建 方案,在比较了几种 GIS 计方案,分析 了 W eb GIS的特点,对目前三种主要的 W eb GIS实现方法进行了研究,最终选择了三层结构的客 户机 /服务器模型作为实现民航运输地理信息系统的基本框架;从逻辑结构和功能结构两方面,对 三层结构模型进行了详细介绍,并简要介绍了三层结构模型在民航运输地理信息系统中的具体实 现。通过实践,尽管还存在 一些缺点有待克服,但三层结构客户机 /服务器模式的 W ebGIS所具有 的维护少,操作简便,客户端要求低,可以较好平衡负载等特点,使它成为一种理想的、适合民航运 输业用户分散、数量众多、数据量大等特点的地理信息系统建 方案。 : 民航运输; WebGIS;三层结构;地理信息系统 : TP393   : A - Application of three tired structure technology in WebGIS Z HON G Tao ( , , 210016, ) School of Givil Aviation Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing China Abstract: In order to find a plan to build the GIS that is suitable for civil aviation transportation, several current building plans for GIS and the characteristics of WebGIS were introduced and . . compared with each other Three main methods for WebGIS building w ere analyzed It is decided to take the three-tired structure client /server model as the fundamental frame of the civil aviation transportation geographic information system ( CATGIS). The three-tired structure model w as . . , described This model is realized in CATGIS Through the practice though the system has some disadvantages, but its advantages, such as less maintenance, simpler operation, low er requir


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