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新概念自学汇总LessonFiftypenceworthoftrouble广外继续教育学院;I Warm up;Special Difficulties;Special Difficulties;II New words Expressions;II New words Expressions;thrifty 强调“善于节省开支、积蓄钱财的”, 只用于人 eg. She was a thrifty woman and managed to put aside some money every month. 她是个很会持家的妇女, 每月都设法存些钱。 economical 着重“节省的”, 应用范围广, 可用来表示“在人力、物力、金钱, 甚至抽象概念方面节省的”, 可用于人或物 eg. I have to buy a more economical stove. 我得买一个更节省燃料的火炉。 I must be economical of my time. 节省时间 My new car is economical of fuel. 我的新汽车节省燃料 frugal 侧重“生活俭朴的”, 特指“饮食方面俭朴的”只用于人 eg. He was a VIP, but he had a frugal life. 他是位要人, 但生活俭朴。;II New words Expressions;stick: a walking stick 手杖 chop stick 筷子 John beat him with a stick. 约翰用棍子打他。 He is a dry old stick. 他是个呆头呆脑的人。 stick a stamp on a letter 把邮票贴在信上 The bus was stuck in the mud. 公共汽车陷在泥里动不了了。 stick to ones words 遵守诺言 The key stuck in the lock. 钥匙插在锁里拔不出来。 The pages have stuck. 书页粘住了。 ;II New words Expressions;III Text Study;III Text Study;III Text Study;III Text Study;III Text Study;III Text Study;III Text Study;III Text Study;III Text Study;III Text Study;III Text Study;III Text Study;IV Drills Exercises;Key to Vocabulary;Key Structures;Special Difficulties;Key to multiple choice questions; Topic for discussion;V Assignments;About the composition;You can’t imagine what happened to me the other day when I was checking the electricity metres. I went to check the meter of one of our customers and got a terrible shock. I am convinced the house is haunted because a ghost lives in the storeroom. As soon as it saw me, it came towards me and I fled. This is really a true story and I will tell you more about it when we meet.;Thanks!;大量课件详见网址



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