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2007 11 November, 2007
2 4 Vol. 2, No. 4
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( 1.贵州金江航空液压有限责任公司, 贵阳 550018; 2.贵州石油化工机械厂, 贵阳 550002)
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[] TU 973+ . 254 [] A [] 1673-6214( 2007) 04-0040-05
Analy sis on Shell C rack ing of a H ydrau lic Pum p
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IONG Zhi- wen, YIN Ru- xin, YANG Da- yong
( 1. Guizhou J inj iang A v iation H ydraulic Co. L td. , Guiyang 550018, China;
2. Guizhou P etrochem icals M achine Co. L td. , Gu iyang 550002, Ch ina
A bstrac t: Oilwas leaked from themounting seat during the life- extend test of a hydraulic pump. A fter decomposition and chec-
king, itwas confirmed that leakagewas caused by cracking of themounting seat shell. Themacro appearance and them icro frac-
ture morphology of the crack on the shellwere abserved in this paper. Combinedw ith the expermi ental results ofchemicalcompo-
sition analysis and hardness test aswell as theworking principle and processing of the hydraulic pump, failure mode and causes
for the shell cracking was determ ined. The results show that crack of the shell is a fatigue one caused by fretting damage. Because
of the gear damage, the gear system works in the box w ithout oil supplement and causes the expermi ental beach to vibrate abnor-
mally. The main cause of the fatigue cracking ismainly related to the higher vibration of the expermi ent bench.
K ey w ord s: shell ofmouting seat; crack; fretting damage; hydraulic pump; vibration
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