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商业伙伴合规责任书 Business Partner Obligation Letter Regarding Compliance PAGE PAGE 7 商业伙伴合规责任书 Business Partner Obligation Letter Regarding Compliance 甲方: Party A: 乙方: Party B: 为了保护公平竞争的环境,遵守适用法律,有效遏制商业贿赂行为,确保甲乙双方的合法利益,本着公开、公正、公平、互利的原则,双方承诺在签约时遵守以下约定: In order to protect an environment of impartial competition, compliance with applicable laws, effectively stifle the conduct of business bribery, ensure mutual legal interests, the both parties hereby agree with the following stipulations based on the rules of openness, justness, fairness and reciprocity: 1. 适用法律的遵守 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS 1.1. 乙方自身并代表其关联方,陈述、保证并承诺如下: Party B, for itself and on behalf of its Affiliated Persons, represents, warrants and covenants that: (a) 其已遵守并将继续遵守所有的适用法律,且尽其所知,其并未采取并将不会采取或未能采取任何行动,这些作为或不作为可能导致其自身或甲方根据适用法律承担责任; It has complied, and will comply, with all of the Applicable Laws and has, to its best knowledge, not taken, and will not take or fail to take any action, which act or omission would subject itself or Party A to liability under the Applicable Laws; (b) 尽其所知,其自身或及任何关联方均未已经直接或间接地向任何政府官员或为该等官员的利益提供、支付、给予或贷款,或者已经承诺支付、给予或贷款,或者将提供、支付、给予或贷款,或将承诺给予支付或贷款金钱或任何其它有价值物,以达到下述的贿赂目的:(i)影响该政府官员以其职务身份所作的任何行为或决定;(ii)诱使该等政府官员违反其法定职责作为或不作为;(iii)取得任何不当利益,或者(iv)诱使该等政府官员利用其对政府实体的影响力以影响或改变该政府实体的任何行为或决定,从而为使其自身或甲方获取业务; Neither itself nor any of its Affiliated Persons has, to its best knowledge, offered, paid, given or loaned or promised to pay, give or loan, or will offer, pay, give or loan, directly or indirectly, money or any other thing of value to or for the benefit of any Government Official, for the purposes of corruptly (i) influencing any act or decision of such Government Official in his official capacity, (ii) inducing such Government Official to do or omit to do any act in violation of his lawful duty, (iii) securing any improper advantage, or (iv) inducing such Government Official to use his influence with a Government Entity to affect or influence any act or decision of that


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