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中 考 英 语 2019 第一部分 考点知识过关 第十八讲 九年级 Units 5—6 CONTENTS 目 录 PART 01 真题 PART 01 真题 命题点 安徽历年中考真题回顾 1.[2014安徽,36]Mum, what are you cooking? It     so sweet. A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells 2.[2014安徽,49]He is an honest boy.I have no reason to     what he said. A. hear B. doubt C. repeat D. believe 3.[2013安徽,99]Would you please make a shopping l (清单) for the picnic? D B ist 命题点 2018全国中考真题优选 1.[2018黄冈]—Which show do you prefer, Running Man or The Readers? —The Readers, of course.   I   my brother likes it. A. Both; and B. Neither; nor C. Either; or D. Not only; but also 2.[2018包头]He was once   killed in a car accident several years ago. A. completely B. sadly C. exactly D. nearly 3.[2018云南]—Thank you for showing me the way. —   . A. No problem B. It doesn’t matter C. It is my pleasure D. It’s kind of you D D C PART 02 考点 考点1 be made of 的用法 考点2 考点3 考点4 考点5 考点6 考点7 教材语境P33 Is it made of silver? ▶be made of意为"由……制成"。如: What’s your shirt made of? 你的衬衣是用什么做的? 考点1 考点2 考点3 考点4 考点5 考点6 考点7 妙辨异同 be made of 的用法 be made of,be made from,be made in,be made into,be made by和be made for的辨析 ①The table is made of wood and it was made by my uncle.这张桌子是木制的,它是由我叔叔制 作的。 ②The paper is made from wood.纸是由木头制成的。 ③The grapes are made into wine.这些葡萄被制成葡萄酒。 ④These cookies are made for all of you.这些曲奇饼是为你们所有人而做的。 考点1 考点2 考点3 考点4 考点5 考点6 考点7 好题在线 be made of 的用法 1.The scarf is     silk and it was made in Suzhou. A. made by B. made of C. made in D. made into 2.It is reported that medals for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games will be made     electronic waste. A. into B. by C. of D. from B D 考点1 avoid 的用法 考点2 考点3 考点4 考点5 考点6 考点7 教材语境P35 He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China. ▶avoid作动词,意为"避免;防止;躲避;回避"。常见用法如下: ①Everyone seemed to avoid Tom.似乎所有人都躲着汤姆。 ②Road safety is taught to young children to avoid traffic accidents.小孩子受到道路安全知识的教 育,以避免交通事故。 ③I tried to avoi



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