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Safety First Welcome 欢迎光临 As you know ,safety is an extremely important part of our daily operations. 安全是我司日常工作非常重要的组成部分 Any regular visitors must be re-trained every month because of the changing conditions of Workshop. 由于各种变化,一个月内未来访者须重新培训。 Visitors must know the following: 来访者须知: Any people and vehicles must follow the Security Department’s working procedures. 所有人员、车辆进出,均应遵守安全部门的工作程序. All visitors will be accompany by project staff at all time if they get out the office areas. 来访者在办公域外必须有人陪同 Basic Rules 基本安全规则 Basic Rules 基本安全规则 No secret filming Obey No-smoking sign Do not run Do not entry Forbidden Area Protective Equipment 个人劳保用品 Safety Glasses Hard Hat 安全眼镜 安全帽 Safety Suit Safety Shoes 安全服 安全鞋 Specific job may require additional protection Safety Production Rules 安全生产规则 Workers working overhead must use fall protection measures 高空作业要有防坠落措施 The green passage is 【safe channel】 绿色通道为安全通道 Emergency Procedure 应急程序 If hear the emergency alarm ,you should follow us to the Safe area. Obey instruction of Security staff. · 听到警报后立即到指定的集合点 · 听从陪同人员和安全部门人员的指挥 Fire Evacuation Chart Technical Business Equipment Meeting room HR Inspection Rest room archives Safe area Fire extinguisher instruction Fire plug instruction 1, Put out the safety pin 2 , Nozzle toward the fire 3, Press the handle Please pay attention to the dead comer to avoid reburning 1, Open door 2, Push alarm 3, Get fire-hose nozzle 4,Pull fire-hose 5, Open valve Emergency Calling 应急电话 First Medical AID——120 Fire Fighting —— 119 您是否已经理解以上规定? 如已理解并将遵守上述规定,请签字! If you completely understand rules above and you will totally comply with, please sign your form. Safety First Thank you AVIM



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