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Test Report. No. CANEC1215448104 A01 Date: 29 Nov 2012 . Page 1 of 5 . SKY ACHIEVER HOLDINGS LIMITED . 9/F TUNG NING BUILDING 249-253 DES VOEUX ROAD CENTRAL HK . This report is to supersede test report CANEC1215448102. The following sample(s) was/were submitted and identified on behalf of the clients as : Corrugated Carton Box . SGS Job No. : CP12-053902 - SZ . Supplier : . SKY PAPER INDUSTRIAL(SHENZHEN)CO.,LTD . Date of Sample Received : . 14 Nov 2012. Testing Period : . 14 Nov 2012 - 20 Nov 2012 . Test Requested : . Selected test(s) as requested by client. . Test Method : . Please refer to next page(s). . Test Results : . Please refer to next page(s). . Conclusion : . Based on the performed tests on submitted samples, the results of Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent chromium, Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) comply with the limits as set by RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU Annex II; recasting 2002/95/EC. . Signed for and on behalf of SGS-CSTC Ltd. . Merry Lv. Approved Signatory . 0000333795 Test Report. No. CANEC1215448104 A01 Date: 29 Nov 2012 . Page 2 of 5 . Test Results : . Test Part Description : . Specimen No.. SGS Sample ID. Description. 1. CAN12-154481.001 Brown corrugated paper board w/ black printing . Remarks :. (1) 1 mg/kg = 1 ppm = 0.0001% . (2) MDL = Method Detection Limit . (3) ND = Not Detected ( MDL ) . (4) - = Not Regulated


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