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. . . . 参考 国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要 Outline of National Medium-and Long-Term Program for Education Reform and Development (2010-2020)(节选) (2010-2020)(Extracts) 第十六章 扩大教育开放 Chapter 16 Expand the opening-up of education 第十六章 扩大教育开放 (四十八)加强国际交流与合作。坚持以开放促改革、促发展。开展多层次、宽领域的教育交流与合作,提高我国教育国际化水平。借鉴国际上先进的教育理念和教育经验,促进我国教育改革发展,提升我国教育的国际地位、影响力和竞争力。适应国家经济社会对外开放的要求,培养大批具有国际视野、通晓国际规则、能够参与国际事务和国际竞争的国际化人才。 We will enhance international communication and cooperation. Adhere to promoting reform and development by open policy. We will advocate multi-level and wide-ranging educational communication and cooperation to improve the internationalization of our education. We will improve the reform and development of our education; enhance the international statue, influence, and competitiveness of China’s education by using advanced international educational ideas and experiences. Adapt to the open policy of Chinese economy and society; cultivate a large number of talents, who have global perspectives, are familiar with international rule, and are able to participate in international affairs and competitions. (四十九)引进优质教育资源。吸引境外知名学校、教育和科研机构以及企业,合作设立教育教学、实训、研究机构或项目。鼓励各级各类学校开展多种形式的国际交流与合作,办好若干所示范性中外合作学校和一批中外合作办学项目。探索多种方式利用国外优质教育资源。 We will introduce high-quality educational resources. Attract well-known schools, education and research organizations and enterprises from other countries; cooperate to establish educational organizations or projects of teaching, practice, and research. We will encourage different levels of schools carry out a variety of international exchange and cooperation. Establish several samples of Chinese-foreign schools and projects. Explore a variety of ways to use high-quality educational resources. 吸引更多世界一流的专家学者来华从事教学、科研和管理工作,有计划地引进海外高端人才和学术团队。引进境外优秀教材,提高高等学校聘任外籍教师的比例。吸引海外优秀留学人员回国服务。 Attract more world-class experts engaged in teaching, research, and management in China. Plan to introduce high-end talents and academic t


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