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井田制度 nine squares of land 高凱聲 2008.10.09. 滕文公問為國 滕文公問為國。The duke Wan of Tang asked Mencius about the proper way of governing a kingdom. 孟子曰:「民事不可緩也。詩云:『晝爾于茅,宵爾索綯;亟其乘屋,其始播百穀。』Mencius said, The business of the people may not be remissly attended to. It is said in the Book of Poetry,In the day-light go and gather the grass,And at night twist your ropes;Then get up quickly on the roofs;-- Soon must we begin sowing again the grain. 恆產與恆心 民之為道也,有恆產者有恆心,無恆產者無恆心。苟無恆心,放辟邪侈,無不為已。及陷乎罪,然後從而刑之,是罔民也。焉有仁人在位,罔民而可為也?是故賢君必恭儉禮下,取於民有制。The way of the people is this:-- If they have a certain livelihood, they will have a fixed heart; if they have not a certain livelihood, they have not a fixed heart. If they have not a fixed heart, there is nothing which they will not do in the way of self-abandonment, of moral deflection, of depravity, and of wild license. When they have thus been involved in crime, to follow them up and punish them:-- this is to entrap the people. How can such a thing as entrapping the people be done under the rule of a benevolent man? Therefore, a ruler who is endowed with talents and virtue will be gravely complaisant and economical, showing a respectful politeness to his ministers, and taking from the people only in accordance with regulated limits. 田賦之制 陽虎曰:『為富不仁矣,為仁不富矣。』Yang H? said, He who seeks to be rich will not be benevolent. He who wishes to be benevolent will not be rich. 陽虎,陽貨,魯季氏家臣也。天理人欲,不容並立。虎之言此,恐為仁之害於富也;孟子引之,恐為富之害於仁也。君子小人,每相反而已矣。 夏后氏五十而貢,殷人七十而助,周人百畝而徹,其實皆什一也。徹者,徹也;助者,藉也。The sovereign of the Hsia dynasty enacted the fifty mau allotment, and the payment of a tax. The founder of the Yin enacted the seventy mau allotment, and the system of mutual aid. The founder of the Chau enacted the hundred mau allotment, and the share system. In reality, what was paid in all these was a tithe. The share system means mutual division. The aid system means mutual dependence. 龍子評論田賦制 龍子曰:『治地莫善於助,莫不善於貢。貢者校數歲之中以為常。樂歲,粒米狼戾,多取之而不為虐,則寡取之;凶年,糞其田而不足,則必取盈焉。Lung said, For regulati


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