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第 28 卷 第 5 期
工 程 管 理 学 报
Vol. 28 No. 5
2014 年 10 月
Journal of Engineering Management
Oct. 2014
PPP 限价房项目中合作效率与政府
孙 慧,赖 毅
(天津大学 工程管理系,管理与经济学部,天津 300072,E-mail: sunhui@tju.edu.cn)
摘 要:以限价房项目为例,分析不同产权结构下私人部门自利性和公益性努力水平对 PPP 项目合作效率和政府激励效率 的影响。结果表明,合理的控制权配置能促进 PPP 限价房项目的合作效率,增加公众的满意程度;有效的激励措施能抑制 私人部门自利性投入,提高其公益性行为的努力水平,从根本上促进目前限价房在建筑质量、小区治安和环境等方面问题的 解决,从而实现社会总效益最大化。为政府缓解财政压力而采用 PPP 模式提供限价房的顺利实施提供了理论依据。 关键词:公私合作;控制权;限价房;合作博弈;政府激励
中图分类号:F293.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-8859(2014)05-109-06 DOI:10.13991/j.cnki.jem.2014.05.022
Game Analysis on Cooperation Efficiency and Incentive Efficiency of Government for Capped-price Housing PPP Project
(Department of Construction Management,College of Management and Economics,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072, China,E-mail: sunhui@tju.edu.cn)
Abstract:Take capped-price housing PPP project as an example,this paper analyzes the impact of self-interest and public-interest effort level of private sector under different owner structure on cooperation efficiency and incentive efficiency of government. The results show that proper allocation of control rights will ensure cooperation efficiency of capped-price housing PPP project and increase public satisfaction. Effective incentives can inhibit self-interest effort and improve public-interest effort level,solve the problems on construction quality,residential security and environment of capped-price housing fundamentally and maximize total social benefits. A theoretical basis on the successful implementation of capped-price housing PPP project for government to ease financial pressure and ensure benefits of the public is provided.
Keywords:public-private-partnership;control right;capped-price housing;cooperative game;government incentive
国家住建部有关数据显示,我国将大力推行保 障房的建设,2013 年全国城镇保障性安居工程建设 任务是基本建成 470 万套、新开工 630 万套,可见 政府面临着巨大的资金需求,而采用 PPP(Public- Private- Partnership,公私合作)模式引入社会资本, 能在一定程度上缓解政府的财政压力。PPP 模式是 公私部门基于某个项目形成的相互合作形式,通过 签署合约来明确各参与方的权责利,广泛用于基础
收稿日期:2014-07-11. 基金项目:国家自然