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论文题目:哈佛分析框架在 A 童装企业的应用 专 业:会计硕士 硕 士 生: ______________ 导 师: ______________ 摘 要 伴随经济全球化的席卷及我国开放的不断深入,愈来愈多的国际童装品牌涌入国内市场,同时,成衣品牌的延伸及电商童装力量的加入,使得国内童装市场竞争异常激烈。这就要求财务分析能够帮助童装企业管理层及时准确地识别出机遇与风险,达到“知己知彼”,并迅速作出应对措施,在市场变化中赢得主动权,否则企业的生存与发展将受到很大挑战。 本文通过对 A 童装企业现有财务分析进行研究,发现其现行战略分析不够全面、客观和系统,未深入对比分析会计信息质量,忽视了财务指标与非财务指标的相互融合及前景分析没有对风险进行量化等传统财务分析过程存在欠缺。而哈佛分析框架通过定量分析和定性分析相结合的方式对企业进行财务分析,可以弥补传统财务分析的欠缺。 基于此,本文主要以 A 童装企业公开披露的 2015 年至 2017 年财务信息为研究依据,通过运用哈佛分析框架对其进行综合分析和评价,得出:(1)战略分析维度其应当依托自身的技术积累和品牌优势适当进行扩张战略;(2)会计分析维度其存货管控制度仍需完善,固定资产的周转性和盈利性有待提高,应收账款质量较高;(3)财务分析维度其资产总体质量较高,无明显的不良资产占用;资本结构总体质量中等,融资渠道有待拓宽;利润和现金流量质量较好;(4)前景分析维度其如果选择走多元化的发展道路,可能创造更大的发展空间,使其盈利能力迈上一个新台阶。最终得出本文结论:哈佛分析框架比传统财务分析更适合应用于 A 童装企业,分析结果更加全面、客观和具体。 关 键 词:哈佛分析框架 童装企业 财务分析研究类型:应用研究 II Subject: Application Research of Harvard Analysis Framework in A Children's Wear Enterprise Specialty: Master of professional Accounting Name: Wang Bo (signature)__________ Instructor:Shi Donglian (signature) _________ ABSTRACT With the sweeping of economic globalization and the deepening of China's opening up, more and more international children's wear brands have flooded into the domestic market. At the same time, the extension of ready-to-wear brands and the addition of e-commerce children's wear forces have made the domestic children's wear market extremely competitive. This requires financial analysis to help the managements of children's wear enterprisesto identify opportunities/risks in a timely and accurate manner, to “know one's self and know the enemy” and quickly respond to measures to win the initiative in market changes, otherwise the survival and development of enterprises will be greatly challenged. Through the research on the existing financial analysis of A children's wear enterprises, this paper finds that the current strategic analysis is not comprehensive, objective and systematic. It does not deeply analyze the quality of accounting information, neglecting the integration of financial indicators and non-financial



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