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PAGE 摘 要 本论文主要研究嵌入式Linux操作系统、无线数据收发器nrf905和S3C44B0处理器和以及在其基础之上的一种无限数据采集与传输的通用模型,并研究了该模型在数字监控系统中的应用.当前Linux正在嵌入式操作系统领域稳步发展,任何对Linux技术感兴趣的人都可以从因特网上下载其内核和应用程序,并开始移植或开发;由于Linux可以提供免费的TCP/IP协议栈,使我们开发基于嵌入式设备的网络应用时不必花费十几万元人民币去购买相关的TCP/IP协议栈.技术),由于GPRS网络支持TCP/IP协议,这使无线数据的传输变得更加轻松,而且相对价格比SMS(短消息)等要便宜,而且其小巧、使用方便、耗电低等特点,可广泛应用于无线抄表系统、无线遥控系统、无线数据采集系统等。 因此,综合嵌入式Linux技术来实现无线数据的采集与传输具有非常诱人的前景,必将受到越来越多的重视.首先,文章在介绍了嵌入式系统的一些特点及其开发模式之后,简单介绍设计所用到的两个芯片Nrf905和S3C44B0。最后介绍了外接设备的驱动编程和基本数据收发的原理和流程。对于嵌入式Linux的认识和无线数据收发器的驱动编程和数据收发程序编写是本文的重要内容。 【文摘语种】 中文文摘 【论文页数】42 Abstract This paper studies Embedded Linux operating system, wireless data transceiver nrf905 and S3C44B0 processor and, and in its foundation of a unlimited data Acquisition and transfer of generic model, and study of the model in the digital monitoring system applications. At present Embedded Linux operating system is steadily made field Show any Linux Technology interested persons can be downloaded from the Internet its kernel and applications, and started transplants or development; Because Linux can provide free TCP / IP protocol stack, enable us to develop equipment based on embedded network application do not have to spend more than 10 million yuan to purchase the TCP / I P protocol stack. technology), as GPRS network support TCP / IP protocol. This makes wireless data transmission has become more relaxed and relatively cheaper than SMS (short message) to be cheaper, and its compact, easy to use, low power consumption, can be widely used in wireless meter reading system, wireless remote control system, wireless data acquisition system. Therefore, for embedded Linux technology to wireless data acquisition and transmission with a very attractive prospect, will be more and more attention. First, the article introduced the embedded system and the features of the development model, simple design used on the two chips and Nrf905 S3C44B0. Finally, the external equipment-driven programming and data transceiver basic principles and


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