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毕 业 论 文 中 文 摘 要 随着城市化进程加快,城市密集化也在一直在悄无声息、不可阻挡地进行着。中国大中型城市数量不断增加,城市中心建筑密度也越来越大。一方面,高密度的城市为人们提供了更多的居住环境、就业机会和社会服务,另一方面,高密度的城市也带来了空气污染、交通拥堵等环境问题。本文以南京新街口区域为研究对象,分析了近十年来该区域建筑群变化的特点,并就解决该地区空气污染、交通拥堵等问题提出了“城市滤带”的解决方案。“城市滤带”的主体是城市中的建筑,拥有“滤带”性质的建筑在城市中互相联系,形成一道道空中的屏障,吸附城市上空的有害物质。“滤带”运用垂直景观绿化、吸附性表皮等手段来实现建筑对空气的过滤作用,同时该建筑还必须具有汽车收纳功能来缓解交通压力。“城市滤带”理念综合了杨经文先生的分块矩阵理论和垂直城市主义理论,希望能用这种因地制宜的方法来解决南京新街口区域的环境和交通问题。 关键词:城市滤带 生态建筑 分块矩阵 垂直城市主义 本科毕业设计论文 第 PAGE 4 页 共 2 页 毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要 Title Filter Strips of City--Exploration on Green Transport in Nanjing City Abstract The densification of cities is developing quietly and inevitably with the increasing urbanization. The number of large and medium-sized cities in China is growing, at the same time, the city scale is expanding as well. On the one hand, high-density cites provide lager living space, more job opportunities and better community services. On the other hand, problems such as air pollution and traffic jams get worse. This thesis analyzes the change of building complex in Xinjiekou in Nanjing, proposes “filter strips” as solution to problems of air pollution and traffic jams. The major part of filter strips is the buildings which connect with each other, form protective barriers and adsorb the nocuous substance in the air over the city. ?Buildings that act as filter strips can filter the air through the application of the vertical afforesting landscape and the exteriors with absorbability. Those buildings are necessarily expected to be garages in order to alleviate traffic pressure. The idea of filter strips expanded Ken Yeang’s theories of block matrix and vertical urbanism. This paper attempts to solve the problems mentioned above in Nanjing by adopting this idea. Keywords Filter Strips Ecological Architecture Block Matrix Vertical Urbanism 本 科 毕 业 论 文 第 PAGE I 页 共 I 页 目 次 1 绪论 ………………………………………………………………………………… 1 2 “城市滤带”理念概述 ……………………………………………………………


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