动物病毒学-第13章 负链RNA病毒 .ppt

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* * * * 其中,H3N2型被认为最初是由人传播到猪身上的。 * What are pandemics? Pandemics are when a new influenza A emerges to which most or many of the population have no immunity. The result usually from an animal influenza combining some of its genes with a human influenza. To be a pandemic strain an influenza A virus needs to have three or four characteristics. They need to be able to infect humans, to cause disease in humans and to spread from human to human quite easily. An additional criteria that is often applied is that many or most of the population should be non-immune to the new virus. Note this animated slide was first developed by the National Institute of Infectious Disease in Japan and we are grateful to them and especially Masato Tashiro for letting us use it. * * The first cases of human infection with novel H1N1 influenza virus were detected in April 2009 in San Diego and Imperial County, California and in Guadalupe County, Texas. * This slide indicates how viral reassortment has resulted in the emergence of the pandemic strain, with a mixture of swine (pig), human and avian influenza viruses, although it is not clear where, when or in what host (pigs or humans) the reassortment took place. * * * You little Bastard * * 金刚烷/乙胺 (A):离子通道M2阻滞剂 扎那米韦/奥司他韦(A, B):NA抑制剂 * * * * 为了利用现代科技深入分析这种致命病毒,美国研究人员到阿拉斯加州,提取了埋葬在永久冻结带下一名患病女死者遗体的肺组织样片。通过从这些样片和存放于福尔马林中的活体解剖组织中提取的基因样本,复制了病毒的8个基因片段 有5个血清型 I型:狂犬病毒原型株。 II型:Lagos蝙蝠病毒原型株。 III型:Mokola病毒原型株。 Ⅳ型:Duvenhage病毒原型株。 Ⅴ型:EBL 1.2株。 不同血清型抗原性不同,其交叉保护力不同, 如I型与III型之间完全无保护性。 (3)血清型 (4)毒株 固定毒(fixed virus):街毒连续在动物脑内传代, 毒力下降, 潜伏期缩短, 对原宿主失去致病性, 但保持其免疫原性。 街毒(Street virus):从自然病例分离到的狂犬病流行毒株 。 (5)流行病学 人、畜、禽、野生动物都对本病易感。 自然界中,易感动物是犬科和猫科动物以及翼手类(蝙蝠)和某些啮齿动物。 野生动物是最主要自然储存宿主。 对人畜威胁最大的是患病的犬,及外观正常的带毒的犬和猫。 宿主及传染源: 唾液带毒,通过患畜咬伤或皮肤粘膜接触而感染。 非咬伤性的传播途径,人和动物都有经由呼吸道、消化道和胎盘感染的病例。 人被患病动物咬伤后并不全部发病,不使用狂犬疫苗的发病率为30-50%,及时接种疫苗的发病率降至0.2-0.3%,以青少年及儿童患者较多。 传播途径 潜伏期变化很大,长短不一,一般2-8周,最短8天,长者数月至一年以上。 各种动物临床表现皆相似,一般分为两种类型。即狂暴型和麻痹型。 狂暴型有前驱期、兴奋期和麻痹期。 症状 13.4 丝状病毒科 (Filoviridae) 13.


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