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当今,在国家政策的促进下,制作业自动化以及智能化程度的不断提升,各种类 工业机器人 迅猛发 展,在加工制作范畴,工业机器人的使用越来越精炼。 At present, with the continuous improvement of manufacturing automation and intelligence, industrial robots are developing rapidly, and the application of industrial robots is becoming more and more mature in the field of processing and manufacturing. 冲压和上下料: 冲压机器使用机械手, 在很大程度范围内,保证了员工的安全,提升公司的安全系数, 有利于提高材料的传送、工件的装卸、刀具的替换以及机器的安装等的自动化程度,从而可以提高劳动生 产率,降低生产成本,加快完成工业生产机械化和自动化的脚步。上下料机器人体系具有高效率和高稳定 性,结构简略更易于维护 , 可以满意不同品种产品的生产 , 对用户来说 , 可以很快进行产品结构的调整和扩大 产能 , 而且可以大大降低产业工人的劳动强度。 喷涂机器人 、 点胶机械手 ,激光切割模组 ,均属于工业机 械手的应用领域。 Stamping and loading and unloading: Stamping robot application manipulator, is conducive to improve the transmission of materials, workpiece loading and unloading, tool replacement and machine assembly, such as the degree of automation, so as to improve labor productivity, reduce production costs, accelerate the pace of industrial production mechanization and automation. The loading and unloading robot system has high efficiency and stability, the structure is simple and easier to maintain, can meet the production of different kinds of products, for users, can quickly adjust the product structure and expand production capacity, and can greatly reduce the labor intensity of industrial workers. 机器人安装: 机器人的安装是柔性自动化安装体系的核心关键,由机器人操作机、控制器、末端 执行器和传感体系组成。其中操作机的结构类型有水平关节型、直角坐标型、多关节型和圆柱坐标型等; 控制器一般选用多 CPU 或多级计算机体系,完成运动控制和运动编程 ;末端执行器为习惯不同的安装目标 而设计成各种手爪和手腕等;传感体系又来获取安装机器人与环境和安装目标之间相互作用的信息。 Assembly: The Assembly robot is the core equipment of the flexible automatic assembly system, which is composed of robot manipulator, controller, end actuator and sensing system. The structure types of the operating machine are horizontal joint type, rectangular coordinate type, multi-joint type and cylind


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