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《蒙娜丽莎》是一幅享有盛誉的肖像画杰作。它代表达 ·芬奇的最高艺术成就,成功地塑造 了资本主义上升时期一位城市有产阶级的妇女形象。 画中人物坐姿优雅, 笑容微妙, 背景山 水幽深茫茫,淋漓尽致地发挥了画家那奇特的烟雾状 无界渐变着色法“ ”般的笔法。画家力图 使人物的丰富内心感情和美丽的外形达到巧妙的结合, 对于人像面容中眼角唇边等表露感情 的关键部位, 也特别着重掌握精确与含蓄的辩证关系, 达到神韵之境, 从而使蒙娜丽莎的微 笑具有一种神秘莫测的千古奇韵, 那如梦似的妩媚微笑, 被不少美术史家称为 神秘的微笑“ ”。 Mona Lisa is a renowned portrait masterpiece. It represents the highest artistic achievements of Leonardo da Vinci, succeeded in shaping the rise of capitalism propertied classes during a city image of women. Stick figures sitting elegant, subtle smile, background landscape deep fog, vividly played a painter that strange smoke-like unbounded gradient coloring-like strokes. Painter trying to make people rich inner feelings and beautiful shape to achieve clever combination, for the portrait face in the corner of the lips and other key parts of their personal feelings, but also special emphasis on precise and subtle grasp the dialectical relationship, to charm of the environment, so that the Mongolian Mona Lisas enigmatic smile has one kind of rhyme through the ages, that dream-like charming smile, by many art historians as the mysterious smile. 它的拥有者法国政府把它保存在巴黎的卢浮宫供公众欣赏。 Its owners the French government to save it in the Louvre in Paris for the public to enjoy. 微笑之谜 500 年来,人们一直对 《蒙娜丽莎》神秘的微笑莫衷一是。 不同的观者或在不同的时间去看, 感受似乎都不同。有时觉得她笑得舒畅温柔, 有时又显得严肃,有时像是略含哀伤,有时甚 至显出讥嘲和揶揄。 在一幅画中, 光线的变化不能像在雕塑中产生那样大的差别。 但在蒙娜 丽莎的脸上, 微暗的阴影时隐时现, 为她的双眼与唇部披上了一层面纱。 而人的笑容主要表 现在眼角和嘴角上,达 ·芬奇却偏把这些部位画得若隐若现,没有明确的界线,因此才会有 这令人捉摸不定的 神秘的微笑“ ”。 Smile Mystery 500 years, people have been on the Mona Lisa mysterious smi


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