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3动物实验 Scientists are doing experiments on live animals for the purpose of research nowadays. Some people believe that this is not only cruel but also unnecessary; others think it is in the interest of mankind as a whole. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. A chimpanzee is perhaps the animal most closely related to humans; but instead of treating the animal with love and respect, we subject it to cruel and inhumane scientific and medical experiments to further human development. What a cruel fate for the unfortunate chimpanzee. Or perhaps, in life as in the jungle it is survival of the fittest, and so, as the most intelligent animal we are just exercising our right to dominate and use other animals as we wish. For many people the issue of using animals for science is black and white; either very pro-animal rights, or very much in favour of using animals since we are the highest level creature. On the one hand, some people say that subjecting animals to pain and torture is truly barbaric; higher-level animals share with us feelings, thoughts and behaviors and so we should look after them and respect them. They may also feel that if we are so unsure about the effects of a drug for example then we should do further chemical testing before doing live and sometimes cruel animal testing. Others, however, believe that we must use animals for the benefit of our own species (humans); to test drugs, cosmetics and new developments in science which will provide a safer and better lifestyle for us. Very few people are inherently cruel, but they still believe it is either them or us; it is better to test the drugs on a monkey rather than on a person. Being cruel for the sake of being cruel and with no tangible results to show for it is definitely stepping over a boundary of acceptable behavior, but at other times if the benefits of the research are explicit, tangible and valuable then I feel that the research is justified. 20宠物和食物 Some people regard animals as pets


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