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盐城市二O—七年初中毕业与升学考试 英语试题 第I卷(选择題.共仙分) 一.单瑕选择(^15小迦.毎小独i分,计15分) 从A. B. G D阿个选项中佻岀…个M以城入句中空「I处的&仕答気 I. \pnl I Cliina announced (hat it would build flic Xiongan Neu Area in Hebei Provnice A On B In C At D To 2 Jackic Chan won an Oscar aflcr 56-> car-long career in lhe film mdusirv. A he B his C him D himself 3.. (inc uc<ilhcr it is* Lets go on a picnic' A WhM a B Whal C Hou □ Hou a 4 When a virus corner into our bod、, uc get ill. The same thing also happen to a computer A. should B IKXd C can D must 5 Fire is \crv dangerous. You can t be careful uilh i? A. \crx B. quite Cso D too (> C hina has seen a tn:nd (潮沆)o「 shared hikes since last xcar A ndc B nd mg C lake D taking 7.1 felt much after 1 Inkl the nn>bleins to nn c!o?c friend A.good B well 9 C. belter D best X It is reported that about I2<i foreign soccer experts to leach soever schoo! students A.unite B un ited C. lobe irntied D. w ill be m\ ited 9 — a\c\oii studied in this school1 —For ncarh Ihrve \cars. A Hou orten B Hou far C How nuch D. How long 10.You will be able to see scnicthmu vou climb onto tliosc rocks. Aif B ihoo匕h C until D unless 11 Mv brother the Indian nlm /人“体* when 1 phoned him j^sterdav A matches B has matched C ?$ watching D was matching To athletes, lhe mo^l importafil thing is not Io uin a golj ora silver, but lo A.ukc part B lake notwe C lake place D ukc care Toda\ is Fathers Da\. Tm thinking aboiii _ A. \\h;u present I ga\c iu)lalhcr B.if 1 plained a party lor m\ fallia Chow I can give m\ father a surprise D. where u ill my father and I have a big ineal …I had □ \cn good time al lhechantx show Thanks fervour inxiuiion A All nght C.Guod luck (o you B You arc welcome D Nol too bad ? means that \ ou ha\ c to do soniclhmg before others in order io he successful A A nuss is as good as □ mile. B A triend in need is a frietid indeed? C The carh bird catches lhe uonn D When in Rome, do as I he Romans do 完形填<;tl5小越.毎小题I分,il 155?) 阅汝F面如文,卒握其人息,然£从各题忻给的四个透顶屮选山?个眾仃答如, M\ name is Philippe and m\ life


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