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线束设计培训;;What makes a good design? ;Overview ;BATT; ;Lamp;1.Typical Electrical System Planview (Cont’d);1.Typical Electrical System Planview (Cont’d);Circuit Standardization Whe you see CKT# 140,you can get following information from ESA-610: The Description of this ckt is: FUSE OUTPUT-BATTERY-TYPE III FUSE This is a “ Hot on all time” circuit. It is the output of a minifuse. Color is orange. Circuit standardization provides a common engineering language btw Packard and customer Different customers have different method to standardize their CKTs. ESA-610 provides also standard Device ;2. Standard Circuit Introduction(Cont’d);3.Schematics Reading and Comprehension;4.Layout design(Cont’d);1. Question outlets with 4 or more branches公共节点分支不能超过4个. Complicated board design, congested board, difficult to tape, and difficult to build复杂的案板设计,缠绕困难, 操作困难. 2. Provide proper branch length from outlet to back of connector从节点到插接器末端的分支长度: outlet / outlet: A. 1st connector / outlet: length 200 mm.第一个分支长度200mm. B. 2nd connector/ outlet: length 250 mm.第一个分支长度200mm. C. 3rd connector / outlet: length 300 mm.第一个分支长度200mm. Difficult to build / tape 200 mm, board congestion. Staggered lengths enable easy holder placement, less congestion, and easier build. 分支长度200mm制作困难,长度错开尽可能的达到holder容易摆放,低密度,容易制作. 3. Communize side and direction of branch breakouts对于节点相同伸出方向不同的分支: Easier build: easier to tape, apply conduit, and better board layout. Consistent plugging direction. 4. Eliminate outlets less than 100 mm apart - evaluate combining outlets尽量减少分支节点间尺寸低于100mm的布置。 Very difficult to build and tape. Creates congested board area, and may require special tooling and added build steps.;5. Communize outlets and branch lengths between part numbers 。 6. Avoid closed outlets尽量减少封闭式节点 Significant increased labor penalty if outlets are taped closed. Use closed outlets where containment, relative motion, vibration, abrasion, appearance, or abrasive contaminants (grit) is an i


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