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毕业论文范文模板 摘 要 将中国民俗节日融入绘画中对中国美术事业产生了重要的影响,并在社会生活中 发挥着独特的作用。作为记载中国各时代和各地域生活艺术历史的活化石,具有许多 “主流”、 “传统”艺术所不具备的社会价值和艺术价值。而彩墨画是中国画中衍生 而出的新式绘画风格,本次作品中,采用彩墨画写实的绘画手法,注重绘画的形态语 言,力求以画传神。在作品的创作过程中,主要着重分析如何让民俗节日绘画跟上时 代发展的趋势和节奏,焕发出鲜活的光彩,给人们带快乐的品画意境。在画作中,以 民俗节日为题材,创造出极具创造力的造型,以鲜明的人物形象,意在传达青春、生 命的积极正能量。 关键词:彩墨画;民俗节日;人物 1 毕业论文范文模板 Abstract Blend in Chinese folk festival in painting has important influence on the Chinese art career, and play a unique role in the social life.As entered China's age and the living fossil of regional life art history, has a number of "mainstream", "traditional" art does not have social value and artistic value.And ink and colour painting is derived and a new painting style in Chinese painting, this work, using ink and colour painting realistic painting technique, pay attention to the form language of painting, painted vividly.In works of creation process, mainly focuses on how to make the trend of the development of the folk festival painting keep up with The Times and rhythm, coruscate gives fresh luster, painting artistic conception to bring people happiness.In painting, depicting the folk festival, create the model of creative, with distinctive characters, intended to convey the youth, the positive positive energy of life. Key words : Ink and colour painting.Folk festival;figure 2 毕业论文范文模板 目 录 1 引 言 4 2 彩墨画中人物画分析 4 2.1 对色彩与造型的内在精神理解4 2.2 色彩和造型要兼容发展4 2.3 在创新中传承5 3 创作过程解析 5 3.1 作品灵感来源5 3.2 创作手法6 3


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