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Functionalist approaches to translation 德国功能派翻译理论简介 由来 “The theorists of equivalence tend to accept non-literal translation procedures more readily in the translation of pragmatic texts (instructions for use, advertisements) than in literary translation. Different or even contradictory standards for the selection of transfer procedures are thus set up for different genres or text-types. This makes the equivalence approach rather confusing.” “This may be the reason why some translation scholars working in training institutions started to gibe functionalist approaches priority over equivalence-based approaches.” 沿革 凯瑟琳娜?莱斯 (Katharina Reiss) 汉斯?费米尔 (Hans Vermeer) 贾斯塔?赫兹?曼塔利 (Justa Holz Mantari) 克里丝汀?诺德 (Christiane Nord) 文本类型理论 (Text typology) 翻译目的论 (Skopostheorie) 翻译行为理论 (theory of translation action) 功能加忠诚理论 (function plus loyalty)? Basic Aspects of Skopostheorie Skopos Rule “The translation purpose justifies the translation procedures.” 翻译会遇到的三大类purpose The general purpose aimed at by the translator in the translation process(perhaps ‘to earn a living’) The communicative purpose aimed at by the target text in the target situation (perhaps ‘to instruct the reader’) The purpose aimed at by a particular translation strategy or procedure (for example, ‘to translate literally in order to show the structural particularities of the source language’) Real Life Example Initiator:my fellow friends Translator: me Target Text receiver: Nordic girls Source Text: 北欧中心就在校史馆边上,相辉堂那里 Purpose of my friends:越简单越好,等着我一起去上课(已经迟到了) Expectation of the girls:清楚明白地让她们知道北欧中心的位置 My evil intension: speak as long as possible with the girls in order to impress them with the gentility of students of our university. Initiator: It’s near the school history museum and Xiang! Hui! Tang!? TT receiver: The Nordic center is just next to our school history museum and that part of campus is always called ‘Xiang Hui Tang’ by students.? Translator: After a careful discussion with gent


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