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National Flag Many Chinese have settled in California and many of them live there. Golden Bridge Disneyland Review the period of each cultural group, in which they first came to California in large numbers. Chinatown Universal Studio Hollywood * The Statue of Liberty A land of diversity Unit 1 North America South America Africa Europe Asia Oceania Antarctica Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean Name the seven continents and four oceans. Ocean on the east coast: Atlantic Ocean Ocean on the west coast: Pacific Ocean Country to the north of USA: Canada Country to the south of USA: Mexico Mountain range in the west: Rocky Mountains Great Lakes: Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario Longest river in the USA: Mississippi River Some important cities: New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans Seattle San Francisco Los Angeles Denver Houston New Orieans Miami Atlanta Boston New York Philadelphia Washington, D.C Rocky Mountains Mexico Chicago Detroit St. Louis Canada Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean the Mississippi Superior Michigan Erie Huron Ontario The American flag is known as “the Stars and Stripes”. 50 stars—— each representing one state 13 stripes—— the original 13 states June 4 —— Flag Day 1. Which city is the capital of the USA? New York Washington D.C Los Angeles California During the War of 1812, Samuel Wilson was a businessman from Troy, NY that supplied the U.S. Army with beef in barrels. The barrels were labeled U.S. When asked what the initials stood for, one of Wilsons workers said it stood for Uncle Sam Wilson. 2. ____ is the nick name of the USA. A. Uncle Tom B. Uncle Jack C. Uncle Sam D. Uncle Jim 3. Which state is the largest one in the US? A. New York B. Texas C. California D


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