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关于爱丽丝漫游奇境记读后感中英文版 中文世界就是我们现在看到的这个样子吗?植物总是沉默,动物没有思想和情感,食物可以填满我们的肚子…   这可能不是哦!只要你愿意,他可能成为另一个外观:星光照耀通过小动物玩的每一个角落,坐在自己的房间里,你可以飞到地上,转瞬间,与漫游万历…想去漫游世界,它并不难,只是需要一些好奇和幻想。   爱丽丝这么过去,故事是这样的:在一个让你昏昏欲睡的下午,爱丽丝在河中追逐兔子穿着背心和掉进了兔子洞,来到一个奇妙的世界,在这个奇妙的世界上发生了许多奇怪的事情,直到爱丽丝与女王发生冲突,就醒来,发现自己依然躺在河边。   当我读完这本书,我意识到读书的乐趣和想象的幸福。这本书给我带来了一个多么美妙的世界漫游,也给我留下了深刻的印象。   读这本书,就像踏上一艘船旅行,可以漫游世界,你可以看看旗帜,能感受到快乐。我也想爱丽丝,对生活充满了美丽的渴望做一个好男孩!    英文The world is what we see now this appearance? Plants are always silent, the animals don’t have thoughts and feelings, food can fill our belly…   That may not be oh! As long as you are willing to, he may become another appearance: starlight shines through every corner of the small animals to play with you, sitting in my room, you can flying into the ground, in a twinkling, with roaming wanli… Want to go to the world for roaming, it is not difficult, just need some curiosity and some fantasy.   Alice has done this in the past, the story is like this: in a make you sleepy in the afternoon, Alice in the river the chasing a talking rabbit in vest and fell into the rabbit hole, which came to a wonderful world, in this wonderful world many strange things happened, until Alice clashed with the queen,() just wake up, found himself still lay in the river.   When I finished reading the book, I realized the fun of reading and imagine happiness. The book brought me to a wonderful world to roaming, also left a deep impression on me.   Reading this book, like to set foot on a boat trip, can roam the world, you can look at flags, can feel happy. I also want to Alice, for life is full of beautiful yearning to do a good boy!


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