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深圳市中广芯源科技有限公司 SC5832A High Efficiency 1MHz 2A Synchronous Step Down Regulator Description Features The SC5832A is a high efficiency, high frequency synchronous DC-DC step-down converter. The 100% duty cycle feature provides low dropout operation, extending battery life in portable systems. The internal synchronous switch increases efficiency and eliminates the need for external Schottky diode. At shutdown mode, the input supply current is less than 1μA. ? Low RDS(ON) for Internal Switch (Top/Bottom): 180/100m? ? 2.5V~6.5V Input Voltage Range ? 2A Output Current ? 1MHz Switching Frequency Minimizes the External Components ? Internal Soft-Start Limits the Inrush Current ? Internal Compensation Function ? 100% Dropout Operation The current limit protection and on-chip thermal shutdown features provide protection against any combination of overload or ambient temperature. ? RoHS Compliant and Halogen Free ? SOT-23-5 Applications ? Set To p Box ? LCD TV ? Tablet ? Portable Equipment Pin Assignments Ordering Information SC5832A□□□ S5 Package (SOT-23-5) TR: Tape/Reel FB VIN C: Green 5 4 (Marking) 1 2 3 Package Type S5: SOT-23-5 EN GND LX SOT-23-5 Marking Part Number Product Code SC5832AS5C fiW Figure 1. Pin Assignment of SC5832A 1 TEL:075529469758 web: 深圳市中广芯源科技有限公司 SC5832A Typical Application Circuit NC SC5832 EN Figure 2. Schematic Diagram VOUT C1 R1 R2 L1 C2 3.3V 10μF MLCC 453k? 100k? μH 22μF MLCC 2.5V 10μF MLCC 316k? 100k? μH 22μF MLCC 1.8V 10μF MLCC 200k? 100k? 1.8μH 22μF MLCC 1.5V 10μF MLCC 150k? 100k? 1.5μH 22μF MLCC 1.2V 10μF MLCC 100k? 100k? 1.5μH 22μF MLCC 1.05V 10μF MLCC 75k? 100k? 1.2μH 22μF MLCC Table 1. Recommended Component Values 2 TEL:075529469758 web: 深圳市中广芯源科技有限公司 SC5832A Functional Pin Description Pin Name Pin No. (SOT-23-5) Pin Function EN 1 Enable ontrol. PuCll high to turn the IC on, and pull low to disable the IC ’ Don t l eav.e this pin floating. GND 2 Ground Pin. LX 3 Power


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