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10.27雅思写作内容: 一.大作文整体结构 开头段(三要素:背景, 引题,自己立场) 主体段(正方/反方,让步/转折) 结尾段(重述立场和分论点,建议) 二.3种问法对应的文章框架结构 Discuss both views and give your opinion.(蓝P199) To what extent do you agree or disagree.(蓝P202) 作业: 掌握同义词替换(资料) 掌握得分句型 积累话题词汇和素材(蓝) 掌握两种不同问法的答题要点 Discussion 类例题1:教育类 In recent years, many young people have decided to further their study abroad. What are the benefits and drawbacks of studying abroad? In recent years, many young people have decided to further their study abroad. Some people claim that there are more benefits than drawbacks of studying abroad, do you agree or disagree? Benefits: Broaden /expand one’s horizons/vision, open minded, enrich knowledge Acquire / obtain advanced science and technology / concept easy access to first-rate educational facilities the latest development of …../up-to-date/field of study cultivate one’s independence / take care/ protect learn to get alone with people from different cultural backgrounds language environment more opportunities to obtain a decent job/well-paid/future career Be beneficial to / be conductive to Mixed / international mindset Better living environment Introduce our culture to western world self-betterment / self- realization / the best self Disadvantages: Costly/ financial burden, ordinary /average, cover / afford, living cost / tuition cost Studying abroad might cause a financial burden for ordinary families; many of them cannot afford the high living and tuition cost. Fail to adapt themselves to the new environment / oversea life / cultural difference Psychological: Loneliness / homesick / far away from home, no company Language barrier Result in a serious brain-drain, huge loss of talent Supervision / supervisor/ some/ tend to ignore their studies Temptation/go astray Self-discipline, self-control, immature, cannot distinguish right from wrong / imitate / bad behavior Time-management skill / study plan/ schedule / priority Workout Social circle culture shock Body paragraph: Topic sentence First, firstl



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