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* Chapter 4 Mathematics Foundations of Quantum Mechanics I (量子力学中的数学基础) Linear operator 4.1 Properties of Operaotors Operator in quantum mechanics denotes an operation of wave function, such as What is operator? linear operator nonlinear operator Linear operator is self-adjoint (自共轭) or Hermitian (厄密的) In quantum mechanics, all operates are Hermitian operators Hermitian operator (厄密算符) x, px, V(x) Hermitian operator In any quantum states, the mean value of Hermitian operator is real (1) Sum (2) product 4.1-2 Combining Two Operators (3) Unit operator I (4) operator commutator (算符对易性) So In general, the product of two operators do not commute (对易). For example We can similarly obtain But In summary operator commutator satisfy 4.1-3 Bra and Ket Notation(左矢和右矢符号) A scalar product of the square-integrable function can be expressed The orthonormality relation of two wave functions The mean value of L (1) position and momentum operators (P73) Position operator Its components Momentum operator Its components 4.1- 4 Operator in quantum mechanics Commutator of x and p (2) Angular-momentum operators (角动量算符) P75 It components i, j, k = (1, 2, 3), ?123 任何两个角标对换,改变正负号,若两个角标相同则为零。 The first term becomes The square of the angular momentum operator The second term The sum of two terms is 0, so Similarly In Cartesian coordinate In polar coordinate (3) Kinetic operator If V(r ) is only the function of distance, V=V(r ), and L is dependent on θ and φ, so [L,V( r)]=0. We can easily obtain [L, p2]=0 so [L, p2]=0 [L,V( r)]=0 (4) Total energy operator (Hamiltonian operator) 4.2 Eigenvalue and Eigenfunction (本征值和本征函数) If L is a constant value, its deviation ΔL=0, so we can find the corresponding wave function ψL 在波函数ΨL中, 我们将平均值换成测量值. 该方程称为本征值方程, L称为本征值, ψL称为本征函数. 一个算符L, 本征值为Lν ,相应的本征函数ψLν有无数多个。 Lν可以是分离的,也可以是连续的。当它为连续时,它可以取Ln ? L ? Ln+1之间的任何值。 厄密算符本征函数的性质(只考虑分立谱) 可以证明属于不同本征值的本征函数之间是正交的. 本征值L为实数, 我们取第一个方程的复共轭 subtract Integr


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