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译林版英语六年级下册unit3练习试卷58734 精品文档 精品文档 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 精品文档 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 Unit3 练习3 班级 姓名 得分 翻译下列词组。 1健康的饮食_____________ 2.take a small bottle__________ 3.许多食物________________4. 喝太多可乐__________________ eat a little at a time____________6.不得不回家__________ 7和我一起来_______________ 8.be good for your teeth______9. much food      10. 几个苹果         11 have some noodles       12. 一点水        get out       14. 每天         see some drinks      16. 一次       17. 刷牙      18. 把……整理的井井有条       19. 迟睡觉     20. feel sleepy          21. know…well      22.walk fast         二、选择填空 (    )1. ─Would you like ____bread?─Yes, please.     A. a B. any C. an D. some (    )2. Here      a lot of meat for the party.     A. are B.is C. that D. no (    )3. I have      beautiful caps in my bedroom.       A. a little B. little C. a few D. lot of (    )4. She     an egg for breakfast this morning.       A. eat B. have C. had D. eating (    )5. I need vegetables. Please give me some     .      A. mangoes B. oranges C. tomatoes D. grapes (    )6. There      many animals in the forest.       A. were B. was C. be (    )7. Be  ,please. You shouldn’t talk___in the library.     A. quiet, loud B. quietly, loudly C. quiet, loudly (    )8. Our teacher is     .She dances     .     A. beautiful, beautiful B. beautiful, beautifully C. beautifully, beautiful (    )9. Let your brother      clothes.     A. wash B. washes C. washed (    )10. He      the meat and ate it.      A. bite B. bites C. bit (    )11.     your sister    the floor this morning?      A. Did, cleaned B. Did, clean C. Is, clean 三、单词的适当形式填空 1. I have        (many) milk. 2. I want      (eat) a hamburger. Can you buy one for   ( I )? 3. There      (be not ) any meat on my plate. 4.My brother had a lot of     (apple) juice last night. 5. I like     (sweet) food, but Helen     (do not). 6. Mary     (have) some fish every day. 7. It’s seven o’clock. You have    (go) to school now. 8


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