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张飞实战电子官方网站:☜点击打开 (广告勿扰100%拒绝水贴,10名疯狂工程师运营的网站,有问必答) AN1440 APPLICATION NOTE 80W POWER-FACTOR-CORRECTED AC-DC ADAPTER WITH STANDBY USING THE L6561 AND THE L5991A by C. Adragna This note describes an 80 W, wide-range mains, power-factor-corrected AC-DC adapter. Its electrical specification is tailored on a typical hi-end portable computer power adapter. The peculiarity of this de- sign is its extremely low no-load input consumption (<1 W). The architecture is based on a two-stage approach: a front-end PFC pre-regulator based on the L6561 TM PFC controller and a back-end DC-DC converter in flyback topology that makes use of the L5991A PWM controller. The Standby function of the L5991A, which reduces the switching frequency of the DC- DC converter upon recognition of a light load, is also used to turn off the PFC stage to make it possible meeting the severe no-load consumption requirement. Design Specification The design of an 80W power-factor-corrected AC-DC adapter suitable for hi-end portable computer and the evaluation results of a prototype are here described. Table 1 shows the electrical specification of the application, table 2 provides the BOM and tables 3 and 4 list magnetics' spec. The electrical schematic is illustrated in figure 1 and the PCB layout in figure 2. Table 1. 80W AC-DC adapter with PFC and Standby: electrical specification Input Voltage Range (Vin) 90 to 265 Vac Mains Frequency (fL) 50/60 Hz Holdup time



