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咸阳市 2020年高考模拟考试(二) 英语参考答案 1—5 CCABB 6—10 CBACA 11—15 BACCB 16—20 ABCCB 21—23 DCC 24—27 DDBB 28—31 CABD 32—35 BACD 36—40 BCADF 41—45 BCADA 46—50 DABBC 51—55 CDBAD 56—60 CABDC 61. youngest 62. after 63. the 64. where 65. Italian 66. had stayed 67. stuck 68. recognition 69. decision 70.directly 短文改错 It delighted me that my school will start a winter camp, which includes a variety of course, delights courses such as cooking, swimming, and giving first aid. To be honesty, I am interested in the course of honest giving first aid and I plan to sign up for it. I choose to attend to the course due to the fact that first aid is greatly important to people. If a person gets injured but needs medical care before a doctor can ∧found, every second counts and be in saving life, in that case the knowledge of first aid can help save lives. Beside, I plan to study which Besides medicine and devote my life to medical research. Hopeful, the course will help me to learn about Hopefully what to deal with medical emergencies. how 或者 deal 改成 do 书面表达 【One possible version】 NOTICE Boys and girls, Attention please! These days we Chinese have been experiencing the sufferings of a terrible disease—COVID-19. In order to overcome the rough situation and get through the hard stage, we should take measures to protect ourselves and people around us. Here are the dos and don’ts. Stay at home and don’t go to the crowded places unless necessary. While staying home, air the room regularly. When going out, make sure to wear a face mask and keep away from others as far as possible to protect yourself from probable infection. On arriving home from outside, wash your hands thoroughly under running water. Take exercise and have a balanced diet every day to improve your immune system. Come on! Let’s struggle together! Student Union - 1 - 听力录音原文 text 1 M: Work has been crazy lately. W: I’ll get you a Coke and a sandwich. M: I feel so stressed out right now! I need to relax. W: Just sit down. OK? Text 2 W: I ne


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