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第二讲: 外交的起源与历史演变 相关概念 1,外交史与外交政策史两个不同概念。 政治科学乃历史之果实,历史即政治科学之 根基”;“盖政治与历史有不可分的关系,政 治科学如此,外交科学也是如此。”刘达人 外交(政策)史: the history of diplomatic or international relations,国家对外政策或外交政 策,以及国家间关系互动的历史 外交学史:作为实现外交政策手段的外交思想、 实体之发展,外交的形式、来源 2,“外交”的发展 ■词源( Origin of diplomacy 外交”一词在中国古代 已终出现,如《墨子》中说:“近者不亲 来 亲戚不附 国语》 而勉之,以报 。”这里所说的“外交”,是指与朋 友、外人的交际 今中文里的“外交”含义,来自于欧洲语言,如英语 中 的“ diplomacy”、法语中的“ diplomatie”俄语的 是指古希腊君主或元老院派遣使节时所颁发的证明 其身份 双重折叠”的特许证书,或这种证书的“副 本”。“外交”的含义是从这里演变出来的 11796年英国的伯克首先使用了 diplomacy一词 The full study of diplomacy, however, requires knowledge of its evolution. The history of diplomacy helps to explain what it is and where its particular characteristic came from but more than that, it is essential for understanding the crucial interplay between the capacities of the diplomatic machine and the need to the actors using it at any given moment. Its history will explain its contemporary capacities; and the degree to which it can and does respond to the current needs of the user determines the next stage of its history. This is a different kind of history from the history of diplomatic or international relations and does not try to elucidate the ebb and flow of diplomatic exchanges between parties, most often the states, the motives of the parties or the consequences of their actions. The history of the machinery of diplomacy is concerned with its evolution as an institution, with its physical arrangements and with the emergence and subsequent refinement of a fully fledged diplomatic profession whose members have defined rights and duties 发展过程 ■14世纪:意大利北部,当代外交形态; 16世纪:扩展到欧洲的大部; ■17世纪:葡萄牙、西班牙、荷兰、英国、 法国,以及扩展大俄罗斯等欧洲的边缘 18世纪:扩展到拉丁美洲,以及美国 ■19世纪后半期:经过最初的拒绝后到扩展 到中国、日本、朝鲜和奥托曼土耳其。形 成了全球的外交系统


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