2020中考模拟作文 汇总.pdf

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题目一 ▲ 话题一:环境保护之 “垃圾分类” 说明:以下两个题目同属于“垃圾分类”,但,请注意认真审题, 比较两篇作文在内容上的异同。 写作练习 1: 垃圾分类,人人有责。 假如你是李华,你受学生会的委托,向在校交换生发出参与垃圾分类的倡议。请你以 “Waste Sorting—A Must for Everyone”为题,用英文写一封倡议书,谈谈垃圾分类的意义,以及我们能做什么。 提示词语:waste sorting (垃圾分类), litter, recycle, protect, environment 提示问题:● Why is waste sorting important? ● What can we do to help with waste sorting? 范文: Dear Students, Waste sorting is becoming increasingly common around our country. People are encouraged to sort waste for good reasons. To begin with, it is an effective way to cut down both air and land pollution, as otherwise more waste will be burned or buried, which will do harm to our environment. Also, when different kinds of waste are mixed, there is a great loss in possible resources for the future. Therefore, it is high time for everyone to sort waste! As students, there are lots of things we can do. First, sorting at home is a must. To make waste sorting easier, we can prepare bin bags in different colors for particular kinds of waste. Second, we can make posters on the necessity and importance of waste sorting to call on more people to take action. Only when every citizen develops a habit of sorting waste can our environment be better protected. It’s a matter of great urgency and we must go into action now! Student Council 写作练习 2: 假如你是李华,你们学校正在开展 “垃圾分类”宣传活动,倡议大家在日常生活 中正确地进行垃圾分类。 为了达到更好的宣传效果,学校将在本月底开展一次英文 演讲比赛。你们班的交换生 Peter 给你发邮件询问相 关事情。请用英语回复一封邮件,告诉他演讲稿上交的时间,并分享你对演讲的一些想法。 提示词语 : necessary, waste sorting (垃圾分类),different bins (垃圾箱),body languages 提示问题:When should you hand in the speech paper? • What would you like to share with Peter about the speech? 范文: Dear Peter, I’m glad to receive your e


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