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前言 实习是一个重要的实践环节,大学生学习实践是每个大学生的必修课,它不仅可以让我们学到很多在课堂上无法学到的知识,也扩大了我们的视野,增加我们的知识,为我们之后更好的知识应用到实际工作打下坚实的基础。通过实习暴露在更深入的专业知识,我进一步的了解给排水专业从事工作,了解工作过程中存在的问题和困难的理论与实际的相冲突,写实践报告,使我学会综合知识、提高专业的解决问题的能力。 这个实习的主要目的是了解给排水专业,知道它是参与这一领域及相关的专业知识,为以后的工作有一个初步的计划。 我们学习给水排水专业这么长时间了,但是对于将来要从事什么职业,干什么工作还都是相当的模糊,本次实习使我们对给水排水有了全新的认识,开拓了我们的视野,对给水排水也有了一个比较全面的了解。本次实习还使我更好的将课本知识与实际的操作相结合,深化它在我们头脑的形象,为我们将来工作打下坚实的基础! Preface Internship is an important practice link of college students' learning practice is compulsory course for every college students, it can not only let us learn a lot in the classroom can't learn knowledge, also broadened our horizons, increase our knowledge, for our better after the application of knowledge to the practical work to lay a solid foundation. Through internship is exposed to more in-depth professional knowledge, I further understanding of water supply and drainage professional engaged in the work, to understand the problems existing in the working process and the difficulties of the theory is in conflict with the actual, and by writing practice report, make me learn comprehensive knowledge, improve professional problem solving ability. Main purpose of this internship is to learn more about water supply and drainage professional, know that it is involved in the field and related professional knowledge, have a preliminary plan for the following job. We study the water supply and drainage for such a long time, but to be engaged in the future what occupation, what work is quite fuzzy, this training so that we have a new understanding of water supply and drainage, broaden our horizons, the water also has a more comprehensive understanding of. This practice has made me a better knowledge of the textbook and the actual operation combination, deepen it in our minds the image, for our future work to lay a solid foundation! 目录 TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u 第一章 实习目的和实习要求 1 1.1实习目的 1 1.2实习要求 1 第二章 实习容 2 2.1实习前动员大会 2 2.2市新城区污水处理厂 2 2.3 中国平煤神马集团供水总厂一分厂 6 2.4 市博物


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