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公共卫生关系英文简历模板 想要制作一份精美的英文简历,还是需要花点心思的, 比如多参考下别人优秀的简历,多看一些简历制作的技巧等 等。以下是公共卫生关系英文简历模板,欢迎阅读! 公共卫生关系英文简历模板 , Lane123, Job Road, Job District, Shanghai, China, XX70 .com(+86) 13xxxxxxxxxEDUCATIONJohns Hopkins UniversityBaltimore, MDBachelor of Arts in Public Health SpanishExpected May XXOverall GPA: , Major GPA: Dean?s List (Spring XX, Fall XX)Health Resources and Services Administration Award RecipientXXInternational Education for StudentsBuenos Aries, ArgentinaCompleted courses in Argentinean culture and politicsSpring XXEXPERIENCEDepartment of Public Health, University of MarylandBaltimore, MDLaboratory AssistantFall XX Present ? Interviewed patients for clinical information regarding health status. ?Collaborated with a team on a 1 million grant to fund research involving HIV/AIDS treatment. ? Prepared laboratory samples and collected data used to evaluate the effectiveness of drug therapies. ?Entered data into database using SPSS and summarized results to be presented to research team.Somerset Medical CenterSomerville, NJEducator VolunteerSummer XX ? Educated adolescents on the harmful effects of secondhand smoke. ? Researched and analyzed effective methods to market health related messages to target population. ?Collaborated with a team on educational brochure to be distributed in relevant communities. Chaired servicecommittee to plan threeannual该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠 Chaired service committee to plan three annual fundraisers for local and national charities.该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠 Organized fundraisersfor donationsto Children ?s该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠 Organized fundraisers for donations to Children ?s Miracle Network, increasing revenue by 25%. ?Arranged volunteer activities to increase member participation by 100%.ACTIVITIESJohns Hopkins University Training DepartmentBaltimore, MDStudent Athletic TrainerFall该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠 XX present ? Prepared athletes for activities, monitored injuries and administered follow up care. Communicated with coaches about tre


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