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电影名称的翻译 The translation of the names of films has its own special characteristics. It is universally known that, films, this art is easily to be accepted by the people from different kinds of social circle. 观看本国电影时候,各文化层次的电影观众对电影中所涵盖的本国文化非常容易理解和接受,而对异国文化的理解和接受就有相当难度。 The names of films can reflect the culture of a state which is easily to be understood by the original audience. However, when translated into another language, the translator should adopt a form which can be universally accepted by the target audience no matter which cultural fields he belongs to. Therefore when translating the names of films, we should employ different kinds of translation skills according to the specific situation. Eg:直译literal translation,音译transliteration,意译free translation and so on. Literal translation直译 观众对于电影的第一印象来自片名,电影首先吸引观众注意的也是片名,这是不分国度的。 电影片名在内容上具有浓缩性,形式上不拘一格,不容忽视的广告效应,商业效应。 Generally speaking, the film manufactures, no matter what nationality he has and what language he speaks, when making the name of one film, has made every possible effort. First, the translation should satisfy the practical need of the name itself. Second, on this basis it should consider the taste and expectation of the audience. The above two points ensure that the characteristics and quality, and also the fundamental reason why the translator shall adopt the means of literal translation. (一般来讲,电影制造商(不分国别和语种),在确定自己的电影片名时候,肯定都是下了功夫的:首先,顺应电影片名本身的实际需求,其次,是在此基础上迎合光中的口味和期待。这两个方面保证了电影片名的个性特点和质量,也是译者采取直译的根本原因。) 我们知道,许多电影都是根据名著改编的(Jane Eyre,Sound of Music)。改变成电影后,借助名著本身的艺术魅力和轰动效应,创作人员保留了原著原名。与此相联系,当这些名著被译成别国文字,介绍给异国读者时,由于早期译者对这些著作的书名采取了直译法,因而使这些作品从书名到内容早已深入人心―――这里指的是异国读者之心。同样地,面对以这些名著为教本而改变的电影,原本熟悉作品内容的“异国读者”变成了众多“异国观众”中的一部分。因此,将改变了艺术形式的作品名“挪用”过来作为电影名称,既方便又自然。 Eg: 百万英镑 (A Million Pounds Bank Note) 双城记 (Tales of Two Cities) 教父 (The Godfather) 威尼斯商人(The Merchant of Venice) 汤姆叔叔的小屋 (Uncle Tom’s Cabin) 战争与和平 (War and Peace) 看得见风景的房间 (A Room with a View) 爱情故事 (Love Story) 沉默的羔羊 (The Silence of L


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