2011年高考英语一轮复习专题10 Music(教师版).doc

2011年高考英语一轮复习专题10 Music(教师版).doc

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中学学科网2011年高考一轮复习新人教课标版英语测试卷 专题10必修二Unit 5 Music 一、语法和词汇知识 1、Tom pretended ______ it;but in fact,he knew it very well. A.not to listen to B.not to hear about C.not to have heard about D.not to be listening to 2、Many people in China have never dreamed of ______ a chance for them to learn to drive after their retirement. A.being B.there C.there to be D.there being 【解析】介词后用名词、代词或者动名词,所以there be句型要用there being的形式。 【答案】D 3、I can't give my son the leading position.______,he is too young;secondly,I want Mr.Smith to have the job. A.After all B.For example C.In the end D.To begin with 【解析】after all毕竟,终究;for example例如;in the end最后;to begin with 首先。根据句意知应选D项。 【答案】D 4、We were very tired and walked with difficulty,but we got home ______. A.at all B.after all C.above all D.in all 【解析】“我们已疲惫不堪,行走艰难,但我们毕竟到家了。” after all此处表示“毕竟”之意。 【答案】B 5、He makes about $1000 every week,much ______ is spent on books. A.of which B.in that C.among which D.of it 【解析】定语从句补充完整为:much of the money is spent on books,所以用of which来引导这个定语从句。 【答案】A 6、Some advertisements,like the environmental protection advertisement ______ to our conscience or our desire to be worthy citizens. A.adapt B.attach C.appeal D.adjust 【解析】adapt“适应;改编”;attach“缚,系”;appeal “恳求;呼吁;有感染力;吸引”;adjust“调节,适应”。句意:一些广告,比如环保广告,唤起我们成为受尊敬市民的良知或欲望。由句意可知答案为 C项。 【答案】C 7、We paid ______ cash in the hope that we can get 15% ______. A.with;account B.in;charge C.by;count D.in;discount 【解析】in cash用现金;by check用支票;account账户;charge费用,收费;count数,计数;discount打折,折扣。句意:我们用现金支付,希望能得到15%的折扣。 【答案】D 8、Countless people in developing countries no longer suffer malnutrition.______,poverty remains a problem worldwide. A.While B.Nevertheless C.Besides D.In addition 【解析】while“而,却”,表示两者之间的对比;nevertheless“然而,不过”;besides“此外”;in addition“另外”。句意:无数的发展中国家的人们不再营养不良。然而,贫穷仍是一个存在于全球范围内的问题。由句意可知,只有B项符合题意。 【答案】B 9、A health care project can provide treatment ______ half the cost or less,______ the needs of the patient. A.at;relied on B.with;relying on


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