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CS 13-060 Z 50 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA GB 3838-2002 Substitution of GB 3838-88, GHZB 1-1999 Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water 地表水环境质量标准 Issue Date 2002-04-28 Enforcement Date 2002-06-01 General Bureau of China National Environment protection Issued by State General Administration for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine of China GB 3838-2002 Introduction This Standard is formulated for the implementation of “The Environment protection Law of the People’s Republic of China” and “The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution” for controlling water pollution, protecting surface water quality, ensuring human health and maintaining ecological system. In this Standard, the standard items are divided into basic items of environmental quality standard for surface water, supplementary items of surface water source for centralized domestic & drinking water and specific items of surface water source for centralized domestic & drinking water. The basic items of environmental quality standard for surface water shall apply to surface water area including rivers, lakes, canals, channels and reservoirs with use function in the whole country. The supplementary items and specific items of surface water source for centralized domestic


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