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2020-2021 年副词易错 _ 高三英语 一、单项选择副词 1.There ’s no chance that we can change the history. _______, it is important that we learn lessons to face the future. A .Meanwhile B.Nevertheless C.Otherwise D.Therefore 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们不可能改变历史。虽然如此,重要的是我们要吸取教训来 面对未来。 A. Meanwhile 同时; B. Nevertheless 然而,虽然如此; C. Otherwise 否则; D. Therefore 因此。根据句意可知,前后句意存在转折关系。故选 B。 2 .December saw a more than average rainfall; __________, the possibility of a drought is still strong. A .therefore B .nonetheless C.whereas D .although 【答案】B 【解析】A. therefore 因此; B. nonetheless 虽然如此,但是; C. whereas 然而,鉴于,反 之; D. although 尽管。句意: 12 月份超过了平均降水量。然而,干旱的可能性仍然很大。 根据前后句的逻辑关系,可知选 B。 3 .I ’ m not making near as much money as I did when I was employed full time ,but now we don ’t need as much either. A .anything B.everything C.anywhere D.everywhere 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析: not …anywhere near 指离得很远。句意:我现在赚的钱大不如从前作全职的时候 了,但现在我们也不需要那么多钱了。故选 C。 考点:考查副词 4 .It seemed an impossible task, but Tom, though physically challenged, carried on until it was completely fulfilled. A .instead B.yet C.regardless D.still 【答案】C 【解析】 句意:这好像是不可能的任务,但是汤姆,尽管是体能挑战,不管怎样继续下去直到彻底 完成。 instead 相反; yet 还; regardless 不管怎样; still 仍然。故选 C。 5 .A sudden stop can be a very frightening experience, ________ if you are driving at high speed. A .strangely B.especially C.merely D .specially 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查副词。 A. strangely 奇怪地; B. especially 特别地; C. merely 仅仅,只不过; D. specially 专门地。句意:突然停车是一种非常可怕的经历,尤其是当你在高速行驶时。故选 B。 6 . How could you have trusted the online dictionary that much in translating your resume? Well, I never expected it should translate it so ______. A .literally B.originally



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