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2019年河北省保定市龙湾中学高三英语上学期期末试题 一、 选择题 1. Since I don’t like surfing the Internet, shall I go to the library instead??? the information we need? A. to get???????? B. of getting??????? C. of to get????? D .getting 参考答案: A 2. Good students involve themselves in class activities, _______ raising questions and sharing ideas to learn from peers. A. rising???? B. misunderstanding? C. copying? D. raising 参考答案: D 【考查方向】考查动词的用法。 句意:好学生参与课堂活动,向同行提问和交流学习。A. Rising上升,不及物动词;B. misunderstanding误解;C. Copying复制,抄写;D. Raising引起,提起。根据语意故选D。 ? 3. Thanks to???????? drama currently on air, Man From the Stars, South Korean TV dramas have attracted???????? wider audience. A.the; the B.a;a C. a; the??????? D. a; / 参考答案: B 4. Do you have any idea _____is actually going on in the classroom? ?????? A.that??????????? ?? B.what??????? ? C.as?????? ????????? D.which 参考答案: B 略 5. Not until the motorbike looked almost new_____repairing and cleaning it. A. he stopped??? B. did he stop????? C. stopped he????? D. he did stop 参考答案: B 解析: not until 提前,要求主句部分倒装。 6. --- Don’t bother to buy me an air ticket. I’ve got one. --- ______ Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I’ve got one, too. A. Good luck!?? B. You have??? C. It’s no surprise.? D. Don’t mention it. 参考答案: B 7. According to the traffic regulation, any driver ______ be fined 100-200 yuan for parking in wrong places. ???????? A.will????????? ???? B.shall????????? ?? C.must???????? ???? D.should 参考答案: B 8. If you are ____ a food or drink,you can remove it from your diet.(  ) A.cautious about B.allergic to C.satisfied with D.fond of 参考答案: B 如果你对某种食物或饮料过敏,在日常饮食中,你可以不再食用它们. A:cautious about 对…小心,对…谨慎;B:allergic to 对…过敏;C:satisfied with 对…满意;D:fond of 喜欢 根据句中"remove it from your diet",可推断出"对某种食物或饮料过敏",故"allergic to"更符合句意.故答案为B. 本题考察形容词短语的词义辨析,根据形容词短语的词义并结合句意,可推断出本题答案. 9. ---For many students ,the winter vacation is simply a time to do endless homework and ?go to extra classes , I'm afraid. ??? ----______________. ?????? A. Nor can I?? B. I'm afraid , too? C


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