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① Our teacher urges us ________ (study) hard with the exam drawing near. ② It is urged that immediate action ______________ (take) to prevent such a thing happening again. ③ The people in the earthquake- stricken area are in _______(urge) need of food , medicine and shelters. to study urgent (should) be taken urgent adj. 紧急的 ; 迫切的 单 句 语 法 填 空 reflect vt. 映射,反射 reflect sb./sth.in sth. ( 指镜子等 ) 映出某人 / 物的影像 reflect on/upon sth. 思考某事 reflection n. 反射 ; 反照 ; 反映 ; 映像 be lost in reflection 陷入深思中 Just as the clothes a person wears , the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time , his house reflects his personality. 对于一个人来说,就像他穿的衣、吃的饭以及与之度过时 光的朋友一样,他的房子 代表 了他的个性。 ① When the suns rays hit the earth , a lot of heat ______________(reflect) back into space. ② You should set aside some time to reflect______your successes and failures. ③ (2014· 重庆卷书面表达 ) 这反映了当今青年更关心手机而不是朋友的趋 势。 ____________________________nowaday teenagers care more about their phones instead of friends. is reflected on It reflects a trend that ( 单句语法填空 ) 基 础 练 习 ( 高考小作文 ) 能 力 提 升 access Before the Hope Project was carried out in this poor area , children had no access to education. (1) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? access to 接近……的机会,进入……的权利 have/get/gain/obtain access to 得以接近,得以会见,得以进入 give access to 接见,准许进入 (2) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? accessible adj . 可到达的, 可进入的,可理解的 be accessible to 易接近的;能进入的; 易受影响的;可以理解的 ① (2014· 上海卷书面表达 ) For one thing , with almost all of us having ________(accessible) to the Internet and other media sources , such news is within our easy reach. ② (2016· 天津卷单项填空 )It was really annoying ; I couldnt get access _____the data bank you had recommended. ③ The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world , and its _________(access) through a computer. 药品不应放在孩子们拿得到的地方。 ④ ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________



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