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还清 ( 债务 ); 结算清薪水解雇 ; 成功 偿还 ; 报复 付 …… 的钱 , 因 …… 而受惩罚 因某事物给某人报酬 ① He had to work part- time so as to_________ his education. ② That I can_____________ the help people give me makes me happy. ③ (2014· 山东卷书面表达 ) 我对英语非常感兴趣而且努力学习,最后 我所有的努力都有所回报。 I was very interested in English and worked hard at it.Finally ____________________________. pay for pay back all my efforts paid off ( 用 pay 短语填空 ) 基 础 练 习 ( 高考小作文 ) 能 力 提 升 Please remind me of the meeting again tomorrow in case I forget. 请明天再提醒我关于会议的事, 以免 我忘了。 in case 以防万一;万一;假如 case n .情况;病例 _____________________ 无论如何,总之 _____________________ 这是常有的事 _____________________ 万一 …… ,如果发生 …… in any case as is often the case in case of 决不 ( 置于句首,引起倒装 ) 如果那样的话;在 那种情况下 in no case _____________________ _____________________ in that case _____________________ _____________________ 联 想 归 纳 ① You'd better take an umbrella ________the rain. ② Mr Chen is very strict.Anybody should __________be allowed to be late for his class. ③ It is said that we'll have to do extra work on Sunday.______________ , we can't go to a movie. ① You'd better take an umbrella ___________.( 用 in case 改写 基础 练习① ) ② Mr Chen is very strict._______________________________________ to be late for his class.( 用倒装句改写 基础 练习② ) ③ It's said that we'll have to do extra work on Sunday , ____________ , we can't go to a movie.( 用定语从句改写 基础 练习③ ) in case of in no case In that case in case it rains In no case should anybody be allowed in which case ( 用 case 短语填空 ) 基 础 练 习 ( 句式升级 ) 能 力 提 升 她一停止问问题,我就起身走出房间。 The instant she stopped asking questions , I got up and went out of the room. 她 一 停止问问题,我 就 起身走出房间。 The instant I saw him , I knew he was the man the police were looking for. 我 一 看见他 就 认出他正是警方在寻找的那个人。 ( 单句语法填空 ) 基 础 练 习 ① No sooner had the game started ______ it began to rain heavily. ② _______


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