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;AGENDA;活动背景;活动背景;AGENDA;高品质的车能为用户创造高品质的生活;分析:依维柯与依维柯用户共有的品质属性;有高度没热度? ——必须挖掘拉力赛与南京依维柯的契合点;有资源没整合? ——必须为丰富资源寻找一个优质平台;活动策略;活动策略;主线:以南京依维柯2007年度“品质大使”全国寻访活动为主线 辅线:拉力赛全程同步宣传,核心是证明依维柯百年优质品质 平台:以新浪网络汽车频道的“品质大使”专区为核心平台,公关、广告、活动全程配合。 形式:以展示依维柯用户的“品质人生”:包括他们积极的生活状态、创造的巨大物质财富,贡献的巨大精神财富等内容 目的:最终证明依维柯是“欧洲商用车典范”;AGENDA;2;活动筹备——活动分工;活动筹备——评选标准;活动节奏;活动节奏-启动;活动节奏-评选;;活动节奏-颁奖;;活动节奏-后续;核心环节-终端任务;既有用户、潜在客户 活动主题、时间、参与形式、奖品 短信、电话、口头、传单;;;;;;;AGENDA;传播配合;传播配合;传播配合;传播配合;传播配合;传播配合;AGENDA;费用预算;Thanks for your attention…;Broken Wings, Flying Heart ;;One late night, he suffered from diarrhea1 and had to wake up his younger brother. His younger brother accompanied him into the toilet and then went back the dorm to wait. But being so tired, his younger brother fell asleep, leaving him on the toilet for two hours till the teacher on duty discovered him. As the two brothers GREw up together, they had their share of problems and they would often quarrel. Then one day, his younger brother wanted to live separate from him, living his own life, as many normal people do. So he was heart-broken and didn't know what to do. ;;虽然在外地读书的姐姐愿意照顾她,可倔强的她一定要自己照顾自己。在学校,她不但读书认真,更重要的是她学会了生活自理。她曾在一篇作文里写道:我幸福,虽然断了双手,但我还拥有一双脚;我幸福,虽然翅膀断了,但心也要飞翔…… ;One day, the boy and the girl were both invited to appear on a television interview program. The boy told the TV host about his uncertain future at being left on his own, whereas the girl was full of enthusiasm for her life. They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes. The boy wrote: My younger brother's arms are my arms;while the girl wrote: Broken wings, flying heart. ;They had both endured the same ordeal4, but their different attitudes determined the nature of their lives. It is true that life is unpredictable5. Disasters can strike at any time. How you handle misfortune when confronted with it, is the true test of your character. If you choose only to complain and escape from the ordeal, it will always follow you wherever y


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