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学习目标 1.掌握精神分裂症的临床表现、诊断和鉴别诊断、 治疗和预防复发策略 2.掌握精神分裂症疾病的分型、预后特征 3.了解精神分裂症疾病的病因学 2020/3/18 The definition of Schizophrenia in CCMD-3 Schizophrenia comprises a group o f psychotic disorders of unknown specific etiology often presented with a gradual onset of abnormalities in perception, thought, motion and behavior since young adulthood. Consciousness i usually maintained. Intelligence is intact, but insome cases, there is some degree of cognitive impairment The natural course of the disorder is chronic remitting but sometimes deteriorating 2020/3/18 Epidemiology 1 Prevalence Point prevalence in China(1982):4. 75%o(rural area 2‰, urban606‰)。 Total prevalence in China(1982): 5. 69%0,(6.55 ‰o1999)。 ◆ Lifetime prevalence in USA(1988)13‰。 2020/3/18 Epidemiology 2 Age: the age of onset in 50%o of patients is 20 30 year old, over 80% of patients is 16 35year old Gender Schizophrenia occurs equally in men and women(in abroad) The prevalence in men is more thanwomen (1.6: 1) in China The mean age of onset is about 2 to 5 years earlier in men than women. 2020/3/18 History Schneider- first rank symptoms(首级症状) 1. thought hearing(思维化声) 2. Third- person hallucinations(争论性幻听) allucinations in the form of a commentary(评论性 幻听) 4. thought withdrawal or insertion(思维被夺/被插入 5. Thought broadcasting/ diffusion(思维被广播或扩散) 6. Forced feeling(强加的情感) 7. forced impulsive(强加的冲动 8. forced behavior(强加的行为) 9. somatic passivity experience(躯体被动体验) 10. delusional perception(妄想性知觉) 2020/3/18


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