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Crystal ball Show 水晶球演出 By Double Effect 双倍效果水晶球对 CRYSTAL BALL SHOW 水晶球表演 Contact Juggling is a surefire crowd gathering audience-pleasing entertainment act and one of the most hypnotic and fascinating forms of the art of juggling. Its an artistic form of object manipulation that focuses on the movement of objects in motion while having contact with the body 水晶球表演是一项能有效聚集人气并另观众赏心悦目的娱乐表饭,是 能催眠且令人着迷的的杂耍艺术形式之一。这是一项操作目标艺 聚焦点在于目标与身体的接触移动。 Contact Jugglers and their high-skill mus choreographed stage routines have become incredibly popular with the media, corporate event street theatre festivals and celebrity parties. 水晶球表演者以他们高超的表演技能和精心编排的舞台音乐在各大 媒体,企业活动,街头艺术表演以及名人派对等活动中大受欢迎。 CRYSTAL BALL SHOW 水晶球表演 Enhance your party experience with quality This fantastic adept artistic experience will enhance your event. You and your guests will be provided with satisfactory entertainment For corporate events, media entertainment, and large private parties. Post in your booth a juggler and watch the crowd gather. will bring people from the other activity rooms and make your booth the center of attention Stage show for your guests at your event. Bring the magic to your guest tables and let them be mesmerized while enjoying the comfort of your event Put a juggler outside, to attract peoples attention 增强您的派对品质和体验 这个奇妙有趣的艺术表演能让您的活动平提高品质,将为您和您的客人带 来赏心悦目的娱乐演出。适用于企业活动,娱乐场所,以及大型的私人 展会上在您的展位安排一项水晶球杂耍表演能有效地吸引观众并让 成为全场活动的焦点。 舞台活动表演上,水晶球杂耍能让您的客人在享受美好的活动的同时到来魔 户外表演,能有效地吸引人们的注意力。 CRYSTAL BALL SHOW 水晶球表演 We are glad to present to you the classical single person show as well as unique in China duo people Single person show includes 1-4 balls manipulation, the length of the show is 5 minutes. Duo person show includes 2-8 balls manipulation as well as special tricks combined with dancing, juggling and audience interaction with total length of 8-10 minutes 我们很高兴向给您介绍精彩表演一一独一无三的单人与双人水 晶球演出 人节目持1至4个球,时长 双人节日持球数可同时达到8个,同时伴有杂耍与舞蹈 总时长8至10分钟,此外,还可以按客户要求增加与观众的互 PORTFOLIO 照片 Budaveiset 引黑日


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