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XX年工程师的英文简历范文 求职者要将公司可能雇用自己理由,用自己过去的经历有条理地表达出来。个人基本资料、工作经历包括职责和业绩、教育与培训这三大块为重点内容,其次重要的是职业目标、核心技能、背景概论、语言与计算机能力、奖励和荣誉。 Male, 34, The people of hunan Education: bachelor degree Working fixed number of year: more than 10 years Expected salary: 5000-8000 yuan Working location: chengdu - there is no limit Objective: manufacturing engineer | the director/deputy director | | testing/inspection | electronic technology research and development engineers Work experience (nine years and eight months, did the 3 job) China huiyuan juice group Harbin branch Working time: in May xx to July xx in [1] 2 months Job title: QA Work content: collaborative quality manager to establish quality management system, daily monitor the process quality indicators, product formula, the issuance of the regulatory process execution, etc. Southwest cement ball brook in the Chinese building materials co., LTD Working hours: between August xx and July xx (4 years and 11 months) Job title: assistant missioner of quality control Work content: responsible for the organization and coordination of quality control in daily work arrangement, responsible for enterprise ISO90001 management system implementation and certification, is in charge of process parameters is carried out. Carry out the new material and process parameters adjustment test, advanced equipment daily maintenance for the quality control department and solely responsible for the products leave the factory. Longteng biotechnology co., LTD Working time: August in xx [3 years, 7 months] Job title: production department manager Job content: to organize and coordinate the food and drug two workshop daily production, fully responsible for the pany's eight products technology upgrades, and new product development, a prehensive optimization of old


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