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学 海 无 涯 2020 临沂市中考英语作文预测范文解析 临沂市这几年的英语中考英语作文越来越贴近生活,贴近热点,值得点赞的同时, 要求备考的初三学生要有针对性的准备。针对一些热点话题,精心准备几篇文章。 鲁南高铁,是临沂市这两年的一件大事,这一热点,是这两年临沂中考常 考的,在平时学习中类似的文章,很少遇到,一些英语老师也无从下手。 范文如下;高铁是中国的四大名片之一。有一条高铁通过我的家乡。 鲁南高铁2016 年 12 月 17 日开工。2019 年 11 月26 日,正式开通运营,全长 294 千米。 高铁有很多优点 1 快速安全,每小时能达到350 千米。2 舒适,安静 3 高铁上 的服务特别好。 4 准时,方便。 高铁也有很多缺点 1 价格高 仅仅一两个小时的路程,价格却高达200 多元。 2 高铁上的饭菜不好吃 3 雨雪天,有时会晚点。 我相信高铁会变得越来越好。有一天,我会乘坐高铁与父母一起去旅行。我的梦 想一定会实现的。 China once again proved its ability to change the world with its new great inventions such as high -speed railways , electronic payments ,shared bicycle and online shopping . High-speed railway is one of the new great inventions of China .There is a high -speed railway passing through my hometown Lin yi. The total length of Lu nan high -speed railway is 294km . The construction of Lu nan high -speed railway started on December 17th,2016 .Lu nan high -speed railway was officially opened to traffic on November 26th 2019 . High -speed railway has many advantages . High -speed railway is so fast that it can reach 350 kilometers per hour . It is convenient and safe . High -speed railway is also comfortable and quiet . At last ,the service of the high -speed railway is particularly good . High -speed railway also has many disadvantages . It is only one or two hours away but it costs more than 200 Yuan. The food on the high -speed railway is not delicious. In the rainy and snowy days , the high -speed railway is sometimes late . I believe high -speed railway will get better and better . One day , I will travel with my parents by high -speed railway . My dream will come true . 环保,是这两年中考的热点,去年临沂市初三毕业班的老师都在反复强调, 2020 年的临沂市中考,环保依然是中考的重点,尤其是九年级第13 单元的重点 单词与句型要掌握牢固。 范文如下;环保话题是人们最关心的话题之一,请以“Change f


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