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Safely back to work in the new normal -ic randstad  THE ADECCO GROUP '**? ManpowerGroup Safely back to work in the new normal A disciplined return to work will be key to economic recovery in the wake of the pandemic The COVID-19 health crisis and continued lockdown in many markets is posing unparalleled challenges to people and economies around the world. Governments are setting up unprecedented economic support measures to assist businesses and workers alike. Nevertheless, as businesses of all sizes in many different sectors are struggling to survive, huge numbers of people are losing their jobs and facing serious financial uncertainty. With this pandemic far from over, and its impact likely to be felt for years to come, one thing is certain: the world of work is never going to be the same. To limit the economic downturn and impact on people’s ability to earn a living, the labor market and all its stakeholders must quickly adjust to this new reality – a new normal where physical distancing (synonymous with social distancing for the purposes of this report) and other strict measures will be an integral part of all workplace processes for a considerable time to come. This will include carving a clear path for greater workforce flexibility, which includes working remotely. Urgent action is therefore needed today to be fully prepared to get people quickly back to work safely when the moment is right. At the time of release of this paper some European countries have announced steps to actively open up sectors for economic activity again. Getting that timing right is crucial for the economy; an estimation for the German economy indicates that an extra week of lockdown results in ~0.5% additional loss of annual GDP, translating into further falls in employment and large income losses for workers. Timing will differ per country and sector, and relies on learnings from the waves and stages of the pandemic across the world. Organizing and implementing a safe return to work


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