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实习绘图员英文简历范文 Basic situation Name: * * * * * gender: male At present location: guangzhou national: han Registered permanent residence: huizhou figure: 173 cm 58 kg Marital status: single age: 24 years old Objective: Talent type: ordinary applying for a job Applied position: outdoor and indoor decoration design, interior designers, drawing/architectural drawing member: drafters, Term: 2 years title: no title Job types: full-time date available: at any time Monthly salary requirements: negotiable hope work areas: guangzhou huizhou Work experience: Company name: from the adornment design of huizhou and engineering Co., LTD Ending days: xx-~ xx-04 The pany properties: private enterprise by sector: real estate, building, installation, decoration Served: designer Job description: as a designer in design and construction. The reasons for leaving: Company name: shantou south China construction Co., LTD. Huidong branch start-stop years: xx-to xx- The pany properties: private enterprise by sector: real estate, building, installation, decoration Served: practice draftsman Job description: major in decorate plan with effect chart manufacture. The reasons for leaving: Education background Graduate school: south China industry and merce college The highest degree: college graduation date: xx-06-01 A major environmental art design field 2: Trained experience: Starting years years (institution) terminated school designed industry obtain the certificate certificate Numbers The xx-09 xx-06 south China industry and merce college environmental art design diploma Language ability Language: English is general Mandarin level: general cantonese level: generally Ability to work and other specialty Familiar with CAD, 3 D



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