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精选文档 Num2str 变数值为字符串 Int2str 变整数为字符串 Str2num 变字符串为数值 Sprintf 变数值为格式控制下的字符串 Sscanf 变字符串为格式控制下的数值 1.分段函数 for x=-pi*6:pi/10:6*pi y=sin(x); if y<0 y=0; end fprintf('x=%f,y=%f\n',x,y); end 2 .计算距离 x1=input('enter the x1:' ); y1=input('enter the y1:' ); x2=input('enter the x2:' ); y2=input('enter the y2:' ); d=sqrt((x1-x2).^2+(y1-y2).^2); fprintf('the distance of the two points is :%f',d); v0=input('Enter the 初速度 v0:'); 可编辑 精选文档 h0=input('Enter the 离地高度 h0:'); t=0:0.01:5 3 .重力加速度 h=-0.5*9.81*t.^2+v0*t+h0; v=-9.81*t+v0; plot(t,h,'k-',t,v,'b--'); title(' Plot of h(t) and v(t)'); xlabel('t'); ylabel('h(t)andv(t)'); legend('h(t)','v(t)'); 4. 坐标转换 function [x, y] = polar2rect(r, theta) x = r * cos(theta * pi/180); y = r * sin(theta * pi/180); 5. 坐标转换,带参数检验 function [mag, angle] = polar_value(x, y) msg = nargchk(1,2,nargin); error(msg); % If the y argument is missing, set it to 0. if nargin < 2 y = 0; 可编辑 精选文档 end % Check for (0,0) input argument, and print out % a warning message. if x == 0 & y == 0 msg = 'Both x and y are zero: angle is meaningless!'; warning(msg); end % Now calculate the magnitude mag = sqrt(x .^2 + y .^2); % If the second output argument is present,calculate % angle in degrees if nargout == 2 angle = atan2(y,x) * 180/pi; end 6. 三维螺旋线 t = 0:pi/50:10*pi; plot3(sin(t),cos(t),t) grid on axis square 7.subplot 可编辑


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