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2015学年初三英语一模首字母填空汇编 One【宝山】 Origami (日式手折纸 )is the traditi on al Japa nese art of paper foldi ng, which started in the 17th cen tury. It has d 81 into a modern art form si nee the n. The goal of this art is to tran sform a flat sheet of paper into various things t 82 foldi ng tech niq ues. In gen eral, origami begi ns with a square sheet of paper whose sides may be differe nt colors or prints. Many people enjoy making origami flowers, animals, or toys. For all of these t ?hings, there are a few kinds of folds that you n eed to use. For example, sometimes you n eed to fold the paper in h 83_ .__. Ano ther com mon way is to fold the paper from corner to corner, or you may n eed to fold the tips of each corn er. If you follow the directi ons carefully, you can create a beautiful.paper flower, animal, or toy. But origami is much more than folding paper. It is a reflection (反映) of nature and Japanese life. That is why the most popular origami shapes are things like animals. Birds, fish,flowers, and stars are all popular shapes. The best known origami m__84 is probably the Japanese paper crane (纸鹤).The crane is auspicious(吉祥的)in the Japa nese culture. Lege nd (传说)says that anyone who folds one thousa nd paper cranes will have their heart's desire come true. The origami crane has become a symbol of peace because of this lege nd. Origami is also good for your mi nd. It is a peaceful activity that can relax the mind and body. People who do origami like the activity as much as the art. They like it because origami dema nds a lot of atte nti on. When people think hard about c 85 someth ing, they forget about their problems.This allows them to calm dow n. Origami is also good for teach ing childre n. Origami has many steps. Childre n must follow these steps c 86 . They may lear n someth ing about maths. For example, origami has squares, rectangles(长方形),and triangles (三角形).These shapes are important in maths. Origami helps childre n get f 87 with these shapes. Maybe you can try


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